
Judge tells kook: No sue for you

A Brooklyn judge got so fed up with the avalanche of frivolous lawsuits filed by a schizophrenic Midwood man that he forbade the man from suing anybody else, court documents state.

Mozart Victor, 22, sued the Aaliyah Memorial Fund for not responding to his fan mail, the NYPD for stopping him after he jumped a turnstile and the Brooklyn Public Library for charging him $20 in late fees.

“In light of the multitude of actions which are being commenced by Mozart Victor . . . the County Clerk is hereby directed not to accept any more applications from Mozart Victor,” Brooklyn Supreme Court Administrative Judge Lawrence Knipel wrote in the order last month.

Victor has demanded millions of dollars this year in his 23 unhinged suits, which he files himself. All are in the process of being dismissed.

In a $750,000 suit against the Army for not letting him enlist, Victor demanded a speedy trial because, he said, “I don’t want to be enlisting while filing a lawsuit, and I’m suing multiple people at once.”

Victor admits in court papers that he is schizophrenic and has used drugs in the past.

“I never got a response, and I felt insulted,” Victor wrote in a $175,000 suit against the memorial fund for singer Aaliyah, who died in a 2001 plane crash.

“They made me do these retarded paperwork that seem to have nothing to do with the army,” Victor wrote in a $750,000 suit against five recruiting stations.

Victor also has sued Facebook, Columbia Records and the janitor in his apartment building.

“I hopped the turnstile by Jay Street downtown; a[n] undercover cop in the 84th Precinct jurisdiction stopped me and began an illegal search of my things,” Victor wrote in a $1.2 million lawsuit against six Brooklyn NYPD precincts. Victor could not be reached.

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