
Hondo loves L.A.

A.J. was NG as usual last night, so Hondo, who had sweep dreams after hitting with the Twins and Rangers, took a beating with the Bombers that left him 1,185 gilliams in the hole.

Tonight, Mr. Aitch will give Kershaw an opportu nity to try out for a stall in his Stable of Stalwarts — 10 units on the Dodgers.


A-WAD UPDATE: Anthony “Ridiculous Bulge” Weiner yesterday went into apology mode for his sex scandal, offering a mea culpa to, among others, Bill Clinton, who officiated at Weiner’s wedding. Emailer William DiMarco likens that to “Jesse James apologizing to Billy the Kid for robbing banks: … Bill’s reaction probably was something along the lines of: Atta boy, A-Wad! . . . It’s amazing the Wein ers found time to make a baby Weiner with Huma spending so much quality time on the road with Hill ary and A-Wad all wrapped up in his favorite hob bies — crotch photography, sexting and raunchy cy ber-chatting. . . . This story is starting to look like it might never peter out.

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