Clemens’ former teammates ‘feel’ for indicted ace

David Cone spent two years as Roger Clemens’ teammate, watching him blow away hitters and helping the Yankees win two World Series titles.

When he heard the news yesterday that Clemens had been indicted on charges of lying to Congress, Cone expressed what many of Clemens’ former teammates felt.

“It’s a dark day,” said Cone, who pitched with Clemens on the 1999 and 2000 Yankees. “We all knew this could happen. He was a teammate of mine. I really feel for him.”

Clemens is accused of perjuring himself in a congressional hearing in February 2008 when he said he did not use steroids or HGH. A six-count indictment alleges that Clemens obstructed a congressional inquiry with 15 different statements that he made under oath.

Many of the Yankees did not want to comment on Clemens. Andy Pettitte, who is sure to be called as a witness if there ever is a trial, declined comment through a Yankees spokesman. Derek Jeter left the clubhouse before reporters were allowed in and Mariano Rivera brushed off questions.

“I don’t want to comment until everything is said and done,” said Yankees manager Joe Girardi, a former catcher who was teammates with Clemens. “I don’t know the particulars. Let me have time to digest it and deal with it when it’s time.”

Lance Berkman, who played with Clemens for three seasons in Houston, stuck by his friend.

“I don’t care what happens, I love the guy,” Berkman said. “I feel bad for him and his family, but he’s a big boy. He’ll face up to whatever it is. But it doesn’t change my opinion of him at all.”

Berkman said he believes Clemens, who won 354 games, belongs in the Hall of Fame regardless of how his legal case plays out.

“In my opinion he’s a Hall of Famer, period,” Berkman said. “Whatever you want to say about the guy he belongs in the Hall of Fame. In my opinion legacy-wise I don’t know. I guess that’s up to … 200 years from now who cares? He’ll just be a name. But in the short-term, I guess he may have some things to address.”

Berkman’s house is around the corner from Clemens’ in Texas. Berkman said he’s rarely seen him since the Mitchell Report hit in December 2007, but is amazed at how upbeat Clemens seems when he does run into him.

“It’s crazy,” Berkman said. “I don’t know how he does it. I think I’d be a basket case. But he’s Roger. He’s ‘Rocket.’ That’s how he is.”

Phil Hughes was a rookie when Clemens played that final season with the Yankees. He remembers Clemens mentoring him and the other young pitchers, Joba Chamberlain and Ian Kennedy. Hughes said Clemens tried to instill that “bulldog attitude” in them.

“It’s tough because everybody respects him for what he did,” Hughes said. “The fact that he has to go through this for anybody is tough. You feel for the guy. It’s just the way it goes.”

Jorge Posada caught Clemens over his six years as a Yankee and still backs his former batterymate.

“I support him,” Posada said. “It’s sad, but we are still friends.”

Berkman hopes the steroid controversies will end soon.

“That whole era is just a black mark for all of us,” Berkman said. “We’re all tainted. The quicker we can get all of this stuff in the rearview mirror the better off the game is going to be.”

— Additional reporting by George A. King III

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