
Widow of terror-victim rabbi can stay in US

The Israeli widow of a Brooklyn rabbi executed during the 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai has finally won the right to legally remain in the United States.

Frumet Teitelbaum, 37, was granted a green card last week, enabling her to live in New York with her eight children.

Teitelbaum, an Israeli citizen, was stopped by officials after landing at Kennedy Airport in February. She was given just weeks to remain in the country with her children due to travel restrictions on her visa.

Soon afterward, her attorney, Michael Wildes, applied for a green card under a post-9/11 law that gives families of terror victims the right to a green card and permanent residency.

“My client is elated that she has the right to permanently reside in America, and she has the right to raise her eight American-born children,” Wildes said.

Teitelbaum was living in Jerusalem with her husband, Rabbi Leibish Teitelbaum, also 37, in 2008 when he traveled to Mumbai, India, for his work as a mashgiach, a supervisor and inspector of kosher foods.

The rabbi was studying in the Chabad House, a Jewish community center, when Islamic terrorists attacked the compound and slaughtered him and seven others.

The daylong siege throughout Mumbai claimed the lives of 179 people.