US News

Pentagon to WikiLeaks : Return unpublished documents to US

The Department of Defense on Thursday demanded that whistleblower website WikiLeaks immediately return all classified documents it has not yet released to the U.S. government.

Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell emphatically denied reports that the website solicited the Pentagon’s assistance in reviewing 15,000 pages of yet-unreleased classified documents and demanded the website “do the right thing.”

Morrell urged the site to return all information that was illegally passed to them and delete all traces of the messages online.

The “very clear and explicit demand” comes in the wake of the release of thousands of classified documents relating to the war in Afghanistan.

The Pentagon has “some idea” of what they think is contained in the 15,000 documents WikiLeaks has yet to release, but it does not “know for sure.”

“We are asking them to return stolen property. And to no longer publish stolen property,” Morrell emphasized.

“That will help minimize harm that has already been created,” he added.

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said earlier this week he was “mortified” and “appalled” by the leaks.

Gates added that WikiLeaks was at least morally, if not legally, culpable for leaking the documents and putting U.S. and Afghan troops as well as Afghan civilians at risk.