
Favre may return after all

The interminable Brett Favre saga did an abrupt about-face yesterday.

After letting reports of his impending retirement swirl for nearly 24 hours, Favre yesterday said he plans to play this season if his surgically repaired ankle is cleared by prominent sports orthopedist James Andrews.

In an interview with ESPN as he left to throw passes at a high school in Hattiesburg, Miss., Favre also denied sending texts to teammates and Vikings officials on Tuesday that indicated he was done after 19 seasons because of health concerns.

But at least one of those teammates — former Giants tight end Visanthe Shiancoe — had gone on the record with the (Minneapolis) Star-Tribune on Tuesday to confirm that Favre sent him a retirement text.

Favre also denied through his agent that he leaked the retirement reports as a way to get the Vikings to increase his scheduled $13 million salary this season.

Whether Favre or everyone else was telling the truth about the texts and money demands is now beside the point, however, because Favre said his NFL future depends on an exam with Andrews scheduled for next week.

“As far as Brett is concerned, in spite of reports to the contrary, Brett’s situation has nothing to do with his contract, but everything to do with his health and ability to contribute to that team and play at a level that he has been accustomed to playing over the years,” agent Bus Cook told the NFL Network’s Steve Mariucci.

Vikings coach Brad Childress did not speak with reporters yesterday, but Minnesota offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell said the team believes Favre when he says this latest bit of drama wasn’t about more money.

“I always take him for what he says, for what his word is,” Bevell said. “He has never told me any different.”

League sources said that, despite Favre’s comments, the Vikings are prepared to bump his salary up to as much as $17 million this year and won’t press him to rejoin the team before the regular-season opener Sept. 9 at the Saints.

Bevell confirmed that the Vikings are going to give Favre all the cushion he wants.

“I know it’s a decision that he wrestles with,” Bevell said. “He is a great player and great competitor. He mulls things over, he is an emotional guy and he thinks things through long and hard. He takes his time with his decision. I am not surprised that things started to come out. We will just have to wait and see.”

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