
Snow way! City to get 6 to 10 in.

Yes, again.

City residents should brace themselves for yet another big snow storm that could dump 6 to 10 inches on the Big Apple tomorrow and Friday and also wallop the region with gusty winds and rain.

How much of the white stuff we get depends on where the snow-rain line winds up.

But “we’re leaning toward the snowier forecast,” meteorologist Andy Ulrich told The Post yesterday.

Look for the storm to start early tomorrow. But the high should surpass 35 degrees in Central Park, so it will probably mix with rain, and the city will likely wind up with just an inch or so of snow accumulation at that point, Ulrich said.

Then, as temps cool and the precipitation continues tomorrow night, the city could get another 3 to 6 inches.

And on Friday, there could be another 1 to 3 inches, the meteorologist said.

Along with the snow, expect blizzard-like conditions, with gusts up to 40 to 45 mph.