
Paterson seeks crowd for his campaign kickoff

Gov. Paterson is beating the bushes to make sure he has enough people at his kickoff rally at Hofstra University this weekend — asking school officials to invite students to fill out the crowd and improve the look of the event.

In an email obtained by The Post, Jeffrey Dodge, the Assistant Dean at Hofstra Law School, made clear he was essentially doing a favor for Paterson, a school alum.

He wrote, “As you may have heard in the news, New York State Governor David A. Paterson is kicking off his 2010 campaign at Hofstra University this Saturday. 

“Because the event is on campus, the campaign has asked that the Hofstra Law School community be invited to attend,” he wrote. 

“The invitation is forwarded below and attached.  While Governor Paterson is an alum of the Law School, please know that the University does not endorse political candidates and we are merely passing along this invitation.  Respond directly to the campaign if you have questions or would like to RSVP. Have a wonderful day!”

As The Knickerbocker first reported, Paterson’s kickoff Saturday is sparsely scheduled and being held at just four locations — ignoring huge swaths of the state.

His campaign, sources say, is concerned about who will show up to stand with the poll-challenged chief executive.