

The Post takes a back seat to no one in its longtime support for the NYPD — and particularly for the efforts of the current brass, ably headed by Commissioner Ray Kelly.

We’ve been there on behalf of New York’s Finest — without equivocation or condition — during controversial times when others in the news media flinched.

And, truth be told, we’ve sometimes paid a price with some readers who did not appreciate the support.

We’re true blue, in other words.

That said, let us be equally clear on this point: Kelly is off base with his surprising decision to evict the press corps from rooms that beat reporters have inhabited at One Police Plaza for decades.

Kelly, citing upcoming construction plans, first told the journalists they had to be out of the building by July 31. Then he said they could use a conference room as a temporary filing center.

Yesterday, the department promised to find permanent space as soon as possible — but made no guarantees it would be ready by July 31, when the reporters still have to vacate.

Sorry, but they can do better than that.

Frankly, this whole issue could have been avoided with a little pleasant cooperation and advance notice, instead of a flat you’re outta here.

This isn’t about special treatment for reporters; if anything, it’s in the NYPD’s best interests to have them on hand at all times to cover breaking stories and have immediate access to police officials.

New York’s Finest have a difficult enough time getting word of their efforts out there. That’s what the folks on the police beat do — they keep New Yorkers fully informed. And that’s the best thing for the department.

Which is why commissioners down through the years have always made room at headquarters for the press — even when the questions sometimes get a little difficult or embarrassing.

Commissioner Kelly needs to do the right thing and find some permanent space for reporters.

For his sake, as well as theirs.