CLEARWATER, Fla. — Joe Girardi is toying with an idea that flies in the face of normal thinking.

Having liked what he saw of Johnny Damon hitting second behind Jorge Posada when the Yankees used the catcher as a leadoff hitter to get him more at-bats, Girardi is going to hit Damon second for the remainder of spring training and insert Derek Jeter into the leadoff spot.

“We are going to run through it the rest of spring training unless something changes our mind,” Girardi said of the flip that could stay intact for the April 6 opener at Baltimore. “It’s something we are toying with.”



Damon has been a leadoff hitter most of his career and Jeter has hit second for the bulk of his, so the flip signifies change and is being looked at because left-handed-hitting Damon can hit the ball to the right side.

“The ability to put the ball in that hole,” Girardi said when asked for a reason. “Johnny is a guy who is good at getting runners over because he pulls so much if there is a runner on second. He hit second and we liked what we saw in that situation. It’s something we are going to toy with over the next week.”

Jeter, who led off Game 5 of the 2000 World Series against the Mets with a homer, has started 448 games as a leadoff hitter with a .315 average in that slot with an on-base percentage of .389. Batting second (in 1,247 games), Jeter’s at .316, .386. His career numbers are .316, .387, so the lineup shift means little to him.

Damon has played 85 games as the second hitter (78 starts) and is batting .277 with an on-base percentage of .340. Batting leadoff (1,526 games), his average is .289, with an OBP of .355.

Damon is a career .289 hitter and has a career on-base percentage of .354.

Still, Damon is on board if Girardi takes the bold plan into the season.

“I am OK with it if it makes our team better,” said Damon, who hit behind Jeter today against the Phillies. “Derek’s on-base percentage is a bit higher than mine. Hopefully, my production increases.”

Jeter went 2-for-4 with two runs scored, and Damon was 1-for-4 with an RBI in the Yankees’ 10-2 win over the defending World Series champions.

Jeter worked a 3-2 count before hitting an infield single leading off the first.

“Jeet has that ability,” Girardi said. “There’s times he’s aggressive in the count, and there’s times he can work the count. He did a nice job leading off today and he’ll do it again tomorrow.”


Damon made a solid point when he explained that if left-handed hitting Brett Gardner is the center fielder and ninth batter, opposing managers won’t be able to bring in a lefty to face Gardner and Damon consecutively.

“It’s about the team; Derek and I both want to win. Actually, I am bigger than most leadoff hitters, maybe it’s time for me to move. This could be better for the team,” Damon said.

Girardi showed Damon the lineup this morning.

“I knew they liked what they saw in the previous games,” Damon said. “Whatever Joe wants, sometimes you have to make changes to see if you can make the team better.”


.315 Leadoff Avg. .289

.316 2nd Avg. .277

.316 Career Avg. .289

.389 Leadoff OBP .355

.386 2nd OBP .340

.387 Career OBP .354

With AP