US News


Federal lawmakers are threatening to retaliate against several countries – including Iran, China, India, Jamaica and Vietnam – for refusing to take back some 140,000 of their citizens, including criminals ordered deported after serving their time.

Their refusal to repatriate bad guys jeopardizes US security, because courts have ruled that criminal aliens cannot be detained more than 180 days after a deportation order is issued. After that, they must be released.

That’s de-facto amnesty – a frightening thought in a post-9/11 world, critics say.

“This is a very serious issue,” said Long Island Rep. Peter King, ranking Republican on House Homeland Security Committee.

Legislation is being introduced by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) and Rep. Charlie Dente (R-Pa.) – and supported by King – that would suspend all visa applications from countries that refuse to take back aliens who have been convicted of crimes.