US News


The City Council is looking to force supermarkets to dump plastic bags that can’t be recycled, sources told The Post.

After months of keeping their plans shrouded in secrecy, Council Speaker Christine Quinn and Councilman Peter Vallone Jr. will unveil a proposal this morning that will require grocery stores of more than 5,000 square feet to:

* Use recyclable plastic bags and provide drop-off points for shoppers to bring them back.

* Give bags that clearly state they are recyclable at checkout counters.

* Report how many of those plastic bags have been recycled periodically.

* Provide nonplastic bags for sale for shoppers who want them.

Council officials believe it will have more lasting impact than San Francisco’s outright ban on plastic bags.

“Plastic bags kill trees. This is a responsible approach,” said one council insider who worked on the proposal. Aspects of it have been broached with the supermarkets and grocery groups.

Quinn’s office declined to elaborate on the plans in anticipation of her big announcement, only confirming that they were tackling the issue differently than an outright ban.

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