

THE ISSUE: The inconclusive final episode of HBO mob series “The Sopranos.”

The final episode of “The Sopranos” was insulting to all fans (“Tony & Gang Whack Fans,” June 11).

Did David Chase think it too bourgeois to provide closure, or did he just not care about us huddled masses in front of our HDTVs?
Jack Kaufman
Long Beach


A more profound ending would have been if the writer, director and producer of this atrocity were “whacked” – a message to future writers of finales of this kind.
Robert J. Philhower


As a fan of “The Sopranos” since the beginning, I am sorry to see the show come to an end.

As was the show’s fashion, it left us hanging right up to the end.

The hit on Phil Leotardo was the highlight of the finale, but the best part is that we won’t have to deal with annoying characters like Janice or A.J. anymore.

R.I.P., Bobby Baccala.
Mark Tower
Hoboken, N.J.


My only criticism of “The Sopranos” finale was its subtle liberal commentary.

It was simply not necessary for Chase to insert his political views into the final episode.
T. King


I was so disappointed to see that the front page of the June 11 Post was about “The Sopranos” instead of the 50th annivesary of the Puerto Rican Day Parade.

I can’t believe a television program that lasted less than 10 years outduels a New York tradition that has lasted 50 years and counting.

I have been a consistent reader of The Post for many years, and I can honestly say that I was highly disappointed to see this.
Jerry Cardona


Viewers demanded that the evil of Tony Soprano be conquered in the final episode.

My question is: Is evil ever truly conquered in real life?
Paul Grimaldi


There is no deep, symbolic interpretation of “The Sopranos” series finale, as some have suggested.

This was not a finale at all, simply a poorly written, lackluster episode in which Chase abandoned his imagination and copped out from tying up the loose ends of his opus.

Of course he fled to the south of France – a sure sign of conscious guilt.
Susan Silver


“The Sopranos” finale left virtually all viewers hanging and speechless.

But was there any one way it could have ended that would have pleased everyone? It’s art imitating life, after all.

Whether Chase was being allegorical is moot.

Mob-hit history is replete with figurative examples of individuals who “faded to black” by bullet or suffered survival’s unrelenting angst over their number of remaining days on earth.

Many “went to black” while doing the most mundane things: Leaving a movie theater, sitting in a barber’s chair or in the backyard, driving up to a restaurant’s door or, appropriately, sitting at a restaurant table.
Stan Strauss


The finale was truly brilliant.

Chase was able to create sustained tension rarely seen on television and then allowed fans to write their own endings.

Does everything have to be tied up in a nice, neat bow?

Is real life like that, or do most situations end it the way “The Sopranos” did, without a cataclysmic bang?
Paul Kastner