US News


For two years, there’ve been tears, threats, and handcuffs. Now, maybe someday they’ll get a manicure together.

Foxy Brown and the judge who was her one-time nemesis bid each other the warmest of farewells in Foxy’s nail-salon-beat-down case today, as the judge cut the ravishing rapper loose from looming probation violation charges.

“Go on to a happy life,” Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Melissa Jackson told Foxy sweetly after reviewing records showing the rapper has recently transformed into a model probationer.

The ruling – which means the hip-hop hottie won’t ever have to step into the judge’s courtroom again, barring another violation or arrest – left the rapper hopping up and down in her snakeskin stiletto Christian Louboutins and thanking the judge and Jesus, in that order.

The Kumbaya moment was a far cry from the rapper once blasting this very judge for having “a disdain for hip-hop.”

So too was it a stretch for a judge who once had Foxy handcuffed to a bench for snapping her gum and sticking her tongue out at her from the defendant podium.

The odd pairing dates back to Foxy’s May, 2005 first appearance in Jackson’s courtroom. Since then, over the course of more than a dozen appearances, the judge has threatened at least three times to have Foxy tossed in jail, either for being uncompliant with probation or after the rapper’s numerous additional scuffles with the law.

Foxy – famous for her x-rated raps and soft-porn album posters – still has two years probation to go after pleading guilty in August to the case at hand, that she socked two Chelsea salon workers with her cell phone and fists during a fight over the manicure-pedicure bill.

She also remains charged in Florida with allegedly spitting and flinging hair extension glue at a beauty shop owner, then swatting at the cop who tried to arrest her.

“I see a positive report here,” the more typicaly wry judge told Foxy yesterday, smiling as she turned the pages. “I see you have been seeking permission when you have to leave the state. Your drug tests are negative. And you are continuing with anger management,” the judge said, happily.

A probation lawyer asked unsuccessfully that Foxy – whose real name is Inga Marchand – be required to make at least one additional court appearance.

“She has turned around 720 degrees,” her lawyer, state Sen. John Sampson, countered.