US News


A Queens high-school student who allegedly threatened to turn his prom into a Virginia Tech-like massacre was yanked out of English class and busted yesterday.

Police say Michael DiGiovanni, a senior at Long Island City’s Middle College HS, used the school computer lab to print out dozens of leaflets that twistedly boasted: “You think Virginia Tech was bad? Just wait for MCHS prom.”

DiGiovanni, 17, was hit with charges of making a false report on school grounds and aggravated harassment.

Schoolmates described DiGiovanni, of Glendale, as a chubby kid who loves comedy, especially Dave Chappelle’s brand.

-“He’s the funniest kid in school. I just hope he doesn’t get in trouble,” said senior Miguel Gonzalez, 17.

Melissa Jeanty, 18, said DiGiovanni “is always joking around. He probably didn’t think anyone would find it.”

A close friend of the suspect who asked that his name be withheld said he was not surprised.

“I thought it was him the whole time,” said the senior. “He’s definitely not serious. I’m relieved that it was a joke and nothing real.”

Asked if DiGiovanni had the coldblooded nature to pull off a school massacre, the friend said, “He’s too soft – he’s probably crying right now.”

* In Deer Park, L.I., school officials reinstated a high school variety show that had been cancelled after organizers pulled a video clip parodying “Scary Movie.” It showed dead students in hallways.

Additional reporting byHasani Gittens

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