US News


The future of New York City public education could include privately run schools, universal pre-kindergarten for kids as young as 3 and a statewide test determining the path of all students after 10th grade.

Schools Chancellor Joel Klein said during a teaching symposium yesterday that the city should “take a serious look at some of the recommendations” in a December report by the bipartisan New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce and consider making “bold, systemic challenges to the status quo.”

The report entitled “Tough Choices or Tough Times” – the subject of yesterday’s panel discussion – made several recommendations, including a “state board qualifying exam” that would be taken by all children after 10th grade to determine the future of their education.

Depending on their scores, students would be sent for two years in high-level secondary school or two to three years in regional vocational schools or community or technical colleges.

The commission – which counts Klein as a member – also advocated the elimination of school districts and local school funding, a system of “contract schools” run by independent entities, high-quality universal pre-K, free adult education and an option for teachers to take higher salaries in exchange for fewer pension benefits.

Klein wouldn’t say which specific elements he would consider for city schools, although he said he wants increased accountability, better recruitment of quality teachers, better education for needy students, rewards for high-performing teachers and “heavy investment in pre-K.”

He said it’s important to ask “whether we’re going to think differently, boldly and challenge ourselves to reach another different paradigm or whether we’re going to do what we’ve done for the last 50 years in educational reform. We’re going to talk the talk and our kids are going to continue to get the short end of the stick.”

A fellow panelist and the author of the report, Marc Tucker, agreed that change is necessary if the United States is going to start being a leader in education and stop being a “world follower.”

“Our country is at risk,” Tucker said, adding that “the kinds of very modest changes” currently being made are “not going to cut it.”

“The only way this country can succeed is if we made major, major changes,” he said.

Tucker – president of the commission – is presenting the report all over the country, and said there is “enormous” interest that “started, really, in New York.”

United Federation of Teachers boss Randi Weingarten, who was also on the panel, jabbed at Klein throughout the discussion and said teachers should not have to sacrifice pension for salary to improve the system.

About 200 people – mostly teachers – were at Pier 62 to hear the discussion.

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