US News


“Fun City” is getting sexier – and safer.

Mayor Bloomberg is about to unveil the city’s own “NYC” brand of free condoms – in packets with a variety of colors representing the different subway lines, The Post has learned.

Gotham will be the first city to have its own signature municipal condoms, officials believe.

The distribution of millions of NYC condoms – made of standard, lubricated latex – will help promote safe sex to prevent AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

“The condom packets will be modeled after the New York City subway system. Every foil will have a color,” said Carol Carozza, spokeswoman for Ansell, the firm producing the NYC condoms – and the parent firm of LifeStyles condoms.

New York City is the country’s HIV/AIDS capital. The disease is the third-leading cause of death among locals under 65, behind only cancer and heart disease. In 2005, 1,400 city residents died of AIDS.