US News


This calling card can reach out and touch someone’s wallet.

Little-known SpoofCards are sold in novelty stores as the ultimate practical joke. They enable prank callers to change their caller-ID numbers and voices – and even record conversations.

Critics claim the cards, which use “caller-ID spoofing” technology, let con artists ruin people’s credit or send cops on wild-goose chases. The gag cards look and work like common calling cards but have a slew of devious options.

After dialing, you’re prompted to choose any 10-digit number you would like to appear as the caller-ID number. Next is the option to change the pitch of your voice. You can even record the call.

“The possibility for fraud is endless,” said Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY), who helped get the Truth in Caller ID Act passed in the House this month.

The bill would make using spoofing technology to commit fraud a crime.

Paris Hilton learned firsthand in 2004 what similar spoofing technology can do. A scammer called Hilton and disguised the number so it appeared the call was from her cellphone company. The grifter duped her into giving up the password to her Sidekick phone, hacked it and then plastered her info all over the Internet.

And in New Brunswick, N.J., last year, a SWAT team stormed a building after receiving a call from a woman claiming to be a hostage there.

When cops arrived, they discovered that they were the victims of a crank caller who phoned from a different location.


* Cards cost $10 for 60 minutes, $20 for two hours.

* The card enables users to change the pitch of their voice.

* Also allows users to punch in any phone number to “spoof,” or disguise, their Caller ID.