US News


The gutsy G-mom who was nearly choked to death on Friday got a chilling warning before the attack that FBI agents might be targeting her for probing allegedly rogue investigator Lindley DeVecchio.

“This is heavy stuff, a supervisory FBI agent being charged with murder. I say that because I worry for our friend,” wrote Gregory Scarpa Jr. from his Colorado prison cell in a letter dated May 28.

Scarpa Jr. was referring to criminal investigator Angela Clemente, who was brutally beaten and left for dead during an early-morning meeting with a phony tipster.

Scarpa Jr. is serving a 40-year racketeering sentence in a federal prison in Florence, Colo. He is the son of Colombo boss Gregory “The Grim Reaper” Scarpa, whom prosecutors believe FBI agent DeVecchio aided when he committed several mob hits.

The letter was written to Sandra Harmon, who’s writing a book with Scarpa Jr. called “Buried Alive.” Harmon said she passed the warning on to Clemente and prosecutors – but was more worried for Scarpa Jr.’s safety than Clemente’s.

“I don’t put anything past these people, ‘FBI,’ and believe me I can easily be hurt physically,” Scarpa Jr. wrote.

In the letter, Scarpa Jr. details how he heard prison officials, whom he believes have FBI links, talking about Clemente and how her investigation of DeVecchio is a scam.

“It’s hard [for] us to believe that him overhearing officers talking about Angela would translate into someone strangling her,” Harmon said.

Clemente said yesterday she was aware of Scarpa Jr.’s warning. “I’m not sure what to make of it, but it’s very troubling,” Clemente said, adding she was feeling better as she recuperated in a hidden location.