US News


Imprisoned rap princess Lil’ Kim urged her fans yesterday to “have fun for me” as she prepares for Christmas behind bars without clubs or Cristal.

The hip-hop hottie spread a little holiday cheer from her jail cell with a handwritten shout-out to her fans that was posted on her Web site.

“I thank all of you for your heartfelt, overwhelming, tremendous love and support,” Lil’ Kim writes in a tight script on lined paper.

“I wanna wish you all a Merry X-Mas and a Happy New Year. May God bless all of you and your families with Happy Holidays and the best times of your life.”

Lil’ Kim’s Web site is filled with hundreds of fans’ messages urging her to stay strong and keep her head up.

The rapper, whose name is Kimberly Jones, is serving a yearlong federal prison sentence after being convicted of lying about her role in a shooting at New York radio station Hot 97.

Kim said in the letter that notes from her fans have helped her pass the time at her federal lockup in Philadelphia.

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