US News


A Queens judge swatted down a motion for bail yesterday by the lawyer for accused bias bat-beater Nicholas “Fat Nick” Minucci.

The suspect’s mother, Maria, shook her head slowly as Supreme Court Justice John Latella ordered that the teen remain in custody at the Rockland County Jail.

“This is the justice system?” a disappointed Maria Minucci asked as she left the courtroom. “This is a joke.”

During the 20-minute hearing, defense lawyer Lori Zeno made the case that her 19-year-old client would return for trial if freed on bail because of strong community ties and lack of money to flee.

Minucci was ordered jailed without bail by Judge Lenora Gerald on June 30, following his arraignment on charges that he and two others attacked a black man with a baseball bat, stole his sneakers and yelled, “This is what you get when you mess with white boys.”

Yesterday, his lawyer said remand without bail wasn’t appropriate for an assault charge – even assault as a hate crime, as in Minucci’s case.

“I’ve been practicing in this county for 18 years,” Zeno told the judge. “Remand is set when there’s a homicide charge.”

Zeno said she would file a second appeal.

Minucci appeared to have lost considerable weight since his last court appearance, although he was still beefy enough for his wrists to press tightly against the cuffs holding them behind his back. His mother said Minucci, who is in protective custody, spends 23 hours a day in his cell, reading the Bible and praying when he isn’t eating or sleeping.

“We don’t miss a visit,” said family friend Delci Reyes. “Every week, twice a week.”