

Jason Kidd is not counting on Richard Jefferson to return for the Nets’ playoff push – or for the playoffs themselves, assuming the team qualifies.

Oh, Kidd would love to have a healthy Jefferson back early from Jan. 20 wrist surgery for a final few regular-season games and then the postseason, a goal Jefferson has set for himself, despite skepticism from doctors.

But Kidd insists the Nets cannot afford to count on Jefferson, then discover he’s not ready. It’s nice to think “what if” but that’s not a dream the Nets can view as reality. Besides, Kidd said, it’s fun trying to overcome long odds and crash the postseason. It’s a new feeling for him in New Jersey.

“There are a lot of ifs,” Kidd said. “That’s the one thing, going into the playoffs, we never had in the past. I don’t foresee RJ coming back. You’ve got to go with the team you have. I’ve been in this situation once before with Penny [Hardaway] in Phoenix. Especially in this part of the season, to count on one person coming back, that’s a lot to ask from one guy.”

Jefferson remains adamant, marvelously optimistic that the Nets will get in and he’ll be able to contribute. He cautions he won’t be anywhere near 100 percent, but that he will be a usable body who knows the system and playoff pressure. And so his sole focus is to return.

“Of course. Those are my plans,” said Jefferson. “That’s what I’m working every day toward. That’s what I’m pushing myself toward. If it doesn’t happen, it won’t be because I didn’t try. It’s because my body didn’t allow it.”

If Jefferson’s wrist doesn’t cooperate, the Nets will have to earn the playoffs without him. And Kidd, whose play has been rejuvenated recently, likes the challenge. This is one he hasn’t had in a while. In each of his first three seasons in New Jersey, Kidd knew his team would be a playoff lock by now.

“I’m excited about this,” Kidd said. “We haven’t been in this position for a while. We’re on the outside looking in, so this is new for everybody. This is what it’s all about. This could be our playoffs from here on out. Normally, we’d have sewn up first or second seed or whatever. This is different, but it’s also a great challenge.”

In case you haven’t noticed, Kidd loves challenges. When he came to New Jersey, some felt the challenge would be to stay sane and not jump off a cliff. So he led the Nets to the Finals.

This year, in the wake of the unhappiness from last summer’s dismantling through the loss of Kenyon Martin, Kidd’s challenge seemed to be finding a ticket out of town. But a little normalcy has returned and Kidd seems renewed.

In the four-game win streak the Nets carried into last night against the Pacers, Kidd averaged 15.0 points, 8.5 assists and 10.3 rebounds. They were three games behind Indy, 1 ½ out of eighth.

“There is a carrot out there,” Kidd said. “It’s a dash to see how many games you can win. Everybody is playing at a high level. Winning is one of the best deodorants: It covers up a lot. We’re here to win, so I think everybody is starting to get in a comfort zone.

“We’re winning, we’ve gained confidence in one another and we’re enjoying one another,” Kidd continued. “This is probably the longest stretch where everybody is playing and we haven’t had the interruption of bringing a new guy in.”

Of course, if the next “new” guy is Jefferson, fine. Just don’t count on it.

“Especially in this part of the season, to count on one person coming back, that’s a lot to ask from one guy.” -JASON KIDD