

THIS week’s swinging young single is Matt, a 25-year-old law student that describeshimself as a “work-hard, play-hard kind of guy – even though I know that’s a cliché.”

When he’s not studying for tests or analyzing legal case studies, Matt likes to take advantage of everything the city has to offer: taking trips with friends, going for a jog in Central Park and Riverside parks, and visiting Eastern Long Island – “where I grew up.”

For all his hard work, Matt tries not to sweat the small stuff – “Life is too short to stress about the little things that are beyond your control,” he says.

Matt’s looking for someone who is “not only outwardly attractive, but who is also clever, strong, yet easygoing and motivated.”

As for what’s not attractive at all, he says, “Women who don’t understand sarcasm or have any idea what’s going on in the news are really not appealing to me.”

He’s been checking out the New York dating scene lately, and isn’t quite sure what to think of it “I think it’s kind of sad and unfortunate, given how many talented people there are living in this city,” he tells us. “Then again, the fact that I’m in The Post does not speak well for myself.”

Hey, watch it, Matt.

Meet the three women Matt has to choose from, and be sure to get The Post next week to find out how the big date went. And if you’d like to participate in Meet Market, go to nypost.com/dating.

See you next week!

Pamela, 22, media buyer

How would you describe yourself? I’m a Scorpio girl – passionate and mysterious, infinitely deep. I have reddish-blond, curly hair and green eyes. I’m not your typical straight brown hair, rail thin girl! I’m anything but ordinary. I’m always up for a new adventure, and love meeting new people.

What’s sexy? I love confident, intriguing guys.

What’s not? Hairy backs and bad teeth. I also don’t like it when guys are late. If he says he’s going to pick up at 8 p.m., he should be there at 8! Punctuality impresses me, because I’m always on time.

What would be your ideal date? How about a weekend in Portofino involving drinks on the water and a sail around the harbor? But since we’re in New York – dinner at a fun restaurant, followed by skating in Central Park.

What three things could you not live without? My family, my cell phone (includes not only the numbers for all my friends, but also all my favorite restaurants!) and lip gloss.

Sarah, 26, law student

What do you like to do when you’re not working? I love exploring the city and trying out new restaurants. I also spend quite a bit of time with my friends, and I make sure I get to the gym. It’s rare that I have time to myself outside of class and studying, so I make sure to treat myself well!

We’re buying. What are you drinking? Vodka tonic with extra lime, or a Coors Light, if it’s available. I’ve been known to completely veto a bar for not serving the CL . . . We Texas girls have to have it!

What do you look for in a man? Someone who holds himself to high standards, but without being self-righteous. I love to be challenged, and can’t stand apathy.

What has your dating experience been like? It’s been fine, but it’s difficult to put enough time into it while in school. I’m constantly telling myself that I need to venture out more beyond the Village and East Side.

What else should we know about you? I’m a shameless karaoke singer, and I consider myself to be more athletic than I probably am.

Alisha, 24, Web manager

How would you describe yourself? I’m an active, passionate person. I started working as a programmer when I was 15, and have since become a manager. I love art, and I’m a SAG-affiliated actress. I think life is for experiencing, and the sky’s the limit.

What do you look for in a relationship? My ideal relationship is one where we are both open, honest and communicative with each other about who were are, what we want and what life is all about.

What’s sexy? It varies, and depends on the guy in question. But any man who takes care of his body and mind is sexy.

What’s not sexy? Men who have an inability to communicate and are mentally unaware.

What was your best date ever? I’d have to say that any date is the best if it takes place with someone I am attracted to, both mentally and physically.