US News


Rep. Anthony Weiner revealed yesterday that he’s raised nearly $1.5 million – giving his possible run for mayor in 2005 new strength.

The cash haul boosts Weiner to a close second place behind City Council Speaker Gifford Miller – an all but certain mayoral candidate – who has $1.6 million on hand, according to the Campaign Finance Board.

Of the $1.47 million Weiner has collected, he could use roughly $1.2 million in a citywide race under election law.

Sources close to the three-term Democratic congressman said he’s leaning toward a run against Mayor Bloomberg.

“Like it or not, money is the yeast of politics,” Weiner told The Post. “It can’t hurt to have it this early in the process, no matter what the future may hold.”

Weiner is up for re-election next year in the most Republican district in the city outside Staten Island. The Brooklyn and Queens district encompasses parts of Sheepshead Bay, Midwood and Kew Gardens.

Weiner’s standing in the outer boroughs could provide an advantage in the Democratic primary, according to one political consultant.

“You can rest assured that after the tax increases, people in the outer boroughs will come out in droves to vote,” said Hank Sheinkopf. “And that gives Weiner a perceptual edge.”

Other possible Democratic mayoral hopefuls in 2005 include city Comptroller Bill Thompson, Manhattan Borough President C. Virginia Fields, former Bronx Borough President Fernando Ferrer, ex-Public Advocate Mark Green and Councilman Charles Barron.