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New Yorkers without health insurance are paying more than twice the best available market prices for common prescription drugs, a consumer group claimed yesterday.

Furthermore, uninsured New Yorkers are paying an arm and a leg compared to the average prescription prices offered to the federal government and in Canada, the New York Public Interest Research Group survey found.

“When the 3 million uninsured New Yorkers go it alone at the drug store, they pay the price – sometimes more than double what government agencies pay to buy the same drugs in bulk for large groups of consumers,” said NYPIRG organizer Carla Sterling.

According to the study, uninsured New Yorkers pay 100 percent more on average for common prescription medications than the government, and 130 percent more than their Canadian counterparts.

For example, uninsured New Yorkers paid an average of $80.90 for a month’s supply of 10-mg tablets of Lipitor, the leading medication for high cholesterol, compared with the $41.12 paid by the government for the drug. In Canada, the same supply of the cholesterol-fighting drug costs consumers an average of $43.

“HMOs and the federal government use their buying power to negotiate fairer prices for the drugs they purchase,” said Jessica Hu of NYPIRG.

“Unfortunately, uninsured customers have no one doing the same on their behalf, so drug companies are making money hand over fist, profiting the most from chronically ill New Yorkers without prescription drug coverage.”

Prescription drugs in Canada generally cost much less than they do in the United States because of government price controls and a favorable exchange rate.

As a result, countless Americans flock to Canada to buy their medications.

The survey examined 100 pharmacies in New York state last month – and then compared the prices the pharmaceutical companies charge one of their “most favored” customers, the government. In addition, they compared the state’s average prices with those paid by customers for the same drugs in Canada.

The study also found that many pharmacists do not allow consumers easy access to price lists which they are required to do by law.

Retail pharmacies in the United States fill more than 3 billion prescriptions a year, according to NYPIRG.

Americans spent $192 billion on prescription drugs in 2002, compared with $82 billion in 1992.

More than 43 million Americans have no health insurance, according to the Census Bureau.

Bitter Pill

Average cost to uninsured consumers of 10 common prescription drugs compared to prices paid by the federal government.

Federal supply price Average price paid by uninsured New Yorkers % more paid by uninsured New Yorkers

Norvasc $26.03 $52.17 100.42%

Lipitor $41.12 $80.90 96.74%

Furosemide $9.40 $11.97 27.34%

Atrovent $23.88 ó2.28 160.80%

Fluoxetine $25.98 $44.51 71.32%

K-Dur 20 $12.18 $27.63 126.85%

Lanoxin $7.24 $17.81 145.99%

Zocor $67.81 $143.11 111.05%

Fosamax $37.95 $78.97 108.09%

Nexium $77.73 $139.99 80.10%

Average $32.93 $65.93 100.21%