US News


LOS ANGELES – Total recall candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger said yesterday he won’t raise taxes in California – and claimed Golden State voters really don’t need details of his economic plan.

The Hollywood muscleman and governor wannabe met privately with his economic team at an L.A. hotel for two hours, but emerged with no concrete plans of how to jump-start California’s struggling economy.

“The public doesn’t care about figures. They’re heard figures for the last five years. What the people want to hear is, are you willing to make the changes? Are you tough enough to go in there and provide leadership?” he said.

Schwarzenegger, who is among 135 candidates on the ballot to replace Gov. Gray Davis, stopped short of a read-my-lips promise against new taxes. “It’s clear you can never say never, but I am in principle against taxing,” he said. “From the time [Californians] get up in the morning and flush their toilet, they’re taxed.”