

SAN JUAN – Just call this Caribbean capital East Rutherford South.

Kenyon Martin yesterday was added to the U.S. Olympic qualifying team, joining Nets teammates Jason Kidd and Richard Jefferson among the elite group. For Martin, the honeymoon is over – literally – as he cut short his honeymoon to get here and practice in time for tonight’s preliminary-round opener against Brazil.

“We were on our way to Aruba,” said Martin, who got the call from the USA Basketball selection committee on Monday. “My wife [Heather] is here. It’s warm, but it’s a little more business than it would have been, as far as just laying on the beach, drinking margaritas or something. Now I’ve got to work a little.”

Martin gave a firm “no comment” when asked about reports of his recent unhappiness after the Nets did not offer a maximum contract extension. He and Heather were wed Saturday in Las Vegas. Martin tried to hide his disappointment during the season when he was by-passed but it was obvious he wanted to be a part of the process. Still, this was anything but a unilateral decision.

“I’m married now. I just can’t up and leave. I’m married, so I had to run it by her,” said Martin. “It’s great just to be here around the guys. Let’s see if we can get this thing done, qualify and go to the Olympics. There’s a lot at stake. I’m happy to be a part of it.”

Martin replaced Karl Malone, who left the team last week following the death of his mother. The funeral was yesterday in Arkansas and the greatest power forward in the game’s history bypassed this event. Malone is still considered a “core” player, meaning he will be on the Olympic Team for Athens in 2004 if the U.S. qualifies here. Martin is a “role” player – along with Jefferson, Vince Carter, Elton Brand and Nick Collison.

“I’m sick [Malone] is not here,” said coach Larry Brown. “But he wanted to be here. It was a situation he just couldn’t do it. He had another situation and we’re all sensitive to that. He wanted to be here in the worst way but with the funeral and him being the head of his family it was more important to him to be there.”

With the addition of Martin, the Nets are, by far, the most represented team here.

“People can say whatever they want about three players and three selections,” Jefferson said. “But you have [Kidd], the best point guard in the NBA, myself and [Martin] are two extremely hard-working forwards, and for what this team needs I don’t think you could find a better fit [than Martin].”

“When [Malone] couldn’t come I think Kenyon is the best power forward when you look at his intensity, his rebounds, the way he plays and the fact he knows how to win,” Jefferson added.

Kidd agreed.

“K-Mart can bring a lot energy-wise and defensively,” Kidd said. “This is his honeymoon and so hopefully he and his wife enjoy themselves but at the same time he can do a little work for his team.”