US News


“Can we talk?” is cops’ question for Joan Rivers after the caustic comedian threw a hissy fit – and a marking pen – that struck a clerk in the eye at an East Side car rental agency yesterday, authorities said.

The incident, in which she allegedly tossed a curse as well as a yellow marker, happened at Dollar Rent A Car at Lexington Avenue and 84th Street, where she has a leasing plan, a police source said.

Rivers, known for her acidic red-carpet fashion commentary, went to Dollar with her driver at 2:20 p.m., the source said. His name is on the lease plan and Rivers, 69, wanted to add hers, the source said. The driver went in alone. There were two people ahead of him on line and he got tired of waiting and left, the source said. Then Rivers allegedly stormed in and went up to the female clerk behind the counter.

“Don’t you know who the f- – – I am?” Rivers asked her, a police source told The Post.

“How could you let me wait on line? You stupid . . . bitch!” the police source quoted Rivers saying.

She then allegedly threw the marker, which hit the woman, and left.

Rivers then drove off in an SUV, witnesses told cops.

A surveillance tape is believed to have captured the alleged incident, cops said.

The clerk, who was taken to Lenox Hill Hospital, declined comment. The hospital said she had a contusion to the eyelid, a police source said.

The 38-year-old Bronx resident filed a formal report.

Cops want to discuss the matter with Rivers. Last night, two detectives went to her home off Fifth Avenue, but she is out of town and due back tomorrow evening, police sources said.

Rivers’ publicist, Richard Grant, said yesterday afternoon he had not spoken to her.

“She started her holiday vacation today,” he said. “Joan has a deal with Dollar Rent A Car. When she needs a car, it’s there for her.

“When she went to pick up the car, there was some misunderstanding and Joan got into a disagreement with the woman behind the counter.

“Eventually, Joan got her car and left,” he said.

A police source said that if the clerk’s allegations are substantiated, Rivers might be charged with third-degree assault.

Additional reporting by David K. Li, Philip Messing and Hasani Gittens