

Wonderful World of Disney, Nancy Drew

The second hardcover book I ever owned was Nancy Drew and the Mystery of the something or other.

I was mesmerized by Nancy and her heroism, even though I had no idea of what the heck a “roadster” was, and could never figure out what Nancy could possibly have been thinking with that hairdo that looked like it belonged in an old Katharine Hepburn movie.

But her adventures sent me into a whole other world, and for a while I really thought if I could only get my hands on a roadster whatever the hell that was, I’d be just like Nancy – but with better clothes and hair. After I realized I’d never become a girl detective (my parents wouldn’t let me sneak out at night to solve crimes), I became instead, a reporter.That’s what Nancy wanted to be when she grew up.

On Sunday night, “Wonderful World of Disney,” revives Nancy once more – but she’s no longer driving a roadster – this time it’s a ’60’s Corvette, and she’s moved into the new century as a college freshman.

The movie, which presumably may turn into a series if it draws good numbers, is actually much more intelligently written than you would expect. In fact, even the subject matter is more complex than you’d expect in something written for young girls.

In “Nancy Drew” the crime is – are you ready? – the illegal use of steroids by a college football player who then has a stroke. Not exactly the fare offered up to kids these days.

And that’s what’s remarkable about it – that someone, somewhere doesn’t assume all pre-teens are idiots that need to be spoon fed formula – or at least formulaic clap trap.

The movie centers on Nancy’s first days at school when kids are pledging for various sororities and fraternities. And yes, they also show how dopey those organizations can be.

Nancy, (Maggie Lawson) who doesn’t seem to actually need to go to class has three roommates (Lauren Birkell, Jill Ritchie, and Marieh Delfino, who while not in the crime solving/investigative reporter business, do help out.

Of course, she does attend the whitest college in the United States of America, and the only Afro-Americans we meet are her crusty journalism prof and a football player who has the unfortunate name in the movie of Franklin Roosevelt Saunders. But he becomes a hero.

While I’m not quite sure who the audience is for this movie, (well at least not as far as “Wonderful World of Disney” is concerned), it may very well fly high with pre-teen and young teen girls if it’s made into a series. And added some color – in the form of humans.