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SANTA MARIA, Calif. – The King of Pop is falling apart.

Michael Jackson called in sick yesterday, complaining of leg pains, and skipped testifying in a multimillion-dollar lawsuit brought against him by a promoter.

But Judge Zel Canter told The Post he personally called Jackson’s doctor and was satisfied with Jacko’s excuse.

It was the latest in a series of mysterious ailments to plague the pop superstar during his trial for allegedly breaking a four-concert contract with promoter Marcel Avram in 1999. Jackson’s physical appearance and health have grabbed as much attention as anything he’s said during five days on the witness stand.

On two separate days, Jackson came to court with a swollen hand and a puffed-up foot due to spider bites he claims he suffered at home. Then on another day, Jackson’s surgically altered nose appeared to peel away, and hang together precariously during testimony.

The day after Jackson’s nose almost fell off, the King of Pop was several hours late for court due to an unexplained medical condition.

Jacko’s lawyer yesterday refused to detail his client’s latest illness.

“He has leg problems that have caused him extreme pain,” defense lawyer Zia Modabar said. “He’s getting treatment for that. And when he can return, he will return.”

Jackson’s leg woes could prevent him from attending the Billboard Awards show Monday night in Las Vegas, Modabar said.

But lawyer Louis “Skip” Miller, who represents Avram, said he thinks Jackson might be faking it to dodge cross-examination. Jacko was scheduled to answer hostile questions from Miller yesterday, after fielding a day of friendly queries by Modabar on Wednesday.

“He didn’t seem to have problems answering questions from his lawyer!” said a frustrated Miller.