US News


WASHINGTON – Federal investigators have been conducting raids in New York and other states on jewelry stores owned by Pakistanis and others from the Mideast, hoping to break up fronts for terrorist groups or their financial backers, U.S. officials say.

The sweeps have targeted 75 stores and kiosks, most of them in Pittsburgh, but including some in Philadelphia, Atlanta and New York – including a jewelry kiosk in Queens – officials said.

Several owners have been arrested for immigration violations and will be held while the criminal money-laundering investigation continues, a source said.

So far, no direct link has been found to Osama bin Laden’s terror network.

Tariq Hussain, 27, a recently discharged Army mechanic whose Intrigue Jewelers kiosk in Pittsburgh was searched June 26, said FBI agents questioned him for several hours and wanted to know if he had connections to al Qaeda.

“They took everything – my paperwork, bills, my computer, my checks,” he said.

Sources said Intrigue is suspected of funding terrorist activities and laundering money.

“There were some indirect linkages with al Qaeda that certainly warranted some type of review and action,” noted one official, adding, “At the end of the day, we believe this may be very important.”