US News


The vast majority of the career-changers drawn to Schools Chancellor Harold Levy’s four-week academic “boot camp” will likely go on to become teachers in the city’s worst schools.

The Teacher Fellows Program summer classes end today, and those who endured the eight-hour days of classes said they’re just as eager to begin teaching on Sept. 7 as they were before they enrolled.

A total of 331 students stuck with the program – fewer than 10 percent have dropped out, according to Board of Education figures.

“I’ve been pumped up since Day One,” said 26-year-old Todd Falberg, a former ski instructor and therapist.

Falberg is one of 60 students who completed sessions at Lehman College. Others were taught at Brooklyn College and City College.

He’s already been assigned to PS 114 in The Bronx.

But he and his colleagues – including judges, lawyers, doctors, scientists, business leaders and even Broadway actors – aren’t in the clear yet.

They are required to pass two state teaching exams, which they took last weekend, before they can teach at one of the 96 schools identified as failing.

“I thought the tests were pretty easy. The people here are pretty smart,” Falberg said.

But he admitted some of the newly minted teachers are still nervous about facing a classroom full of 30 students.

Susan Parks, a former record-company publicist, said she is relieved that she will soon be the instructor and not the student.

“The program is wonderful. It’s been extensive and exhausting.” she said.

Veteran city teachers, as well as college professors, went through lesson plans and tips. Videos were shown of new teachers in classes.

Some students said they benefited from observing summer school classes.

“I wanted to feel what a teacher is all about. It gave me all the assurance that this is what I wanted to do,” said 31-year-old Nicholas Garcia, slated to be a bilingual teacher at PS 196 in The Bronx.

“There were many behaviorally challenged students. There was one kid named Danger. That was his real name.”

Garcia said Danger was disruptive, and he helped to calm him down and make him focus.

“I told him, ‘I’m not here to scold you. I’m here to help you,'” he said.