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Democratic National Chairman Ed Rendell said publicly what lots of an-alysts say privately when he suggested the nation isn’t ready for a Jewish veep – but it’s still a giant oy vey for Al Gore.

The biggest problem is that now, thanks to the remarks by Rendell – who is Jewish – Gore’s running-mate pick will be instantly analyzed in religious terms, no matter who it is.

If Gore taps Connecticut’s Sen. Joe Lieberman, the question will be whether Rendell was right to question whether the nation is ready for a Jew on the national ticket and a second lady named Hadassah.

And the first thing most Americans will learn about Lieberman isn’t that he’s widely respected by both parties in the Senate but that he’s Jewish – as if that was the top factor in his choice.

But if Gore doesn’t pick Lieberman, the instant question will be whether Gore – who’s counting on strong Jewish support – snubbed a Jewish veep prospect because he was afraid of anti-Semitism.

That wouldn’t exactly make Gore look like a profile in courage.

Even if you want to give Rendell points for honesty, you have to remember that the No. 1 responsibility of the Democratic chairman is to get his candidate elected, not land him in a political mess.

“As a Republican, Lieberman was the candidate I was most concerned about as vice president, because I’m a big Lieberman fan,” said Rep. Pete King (R-L.I.).

“But this just creates unnecessary problems for the country, as well as for Gore. The way Rendell said it was almost inflammatory.”

The last thing Gore – or any presidential nominee – needs is a running mate who sparks instant controversy instead of broad approval.

It’d be even worse for Gore if the controversy is about whether Gore picked his veep by religion – especially when he’s behind George W. Bush by as much as 19 points in national polls.

In an unfortunate twist for Gore, the fact that the issue involves a Jew is more sensitive right now because of the recent furor over whether Hillary Clinton once blasted an aide as a “f- – -ing Jew bastard.”

Many Jewish leaders rose to Clinton’s defense in that flap, but it hurt her with rank-and-file Jews.

If Rendell had kept his mouth shut, the Gore camp could have brushed off questions about Lieberman’s religion by questioning the motives of those asking the questions.

But what could have looked like a bold choice for Gore would now risk looking like a choice dominated by religious questions.

And if Gore thinks it’s disgraceful to raise the matter of religion – well, then, the next question is whether he has lost confidence in the Democratic Party chairman and wants Rendell to resign.

Many analysts privately agree with Rendell that the nation isn’t ready to elect a Jew – as the Anti-Defamation League regularly documents, anti-Semitism is alive and well. But others disagree.

Democratic pollster Mark Mellman notes he has worked for successful Jewish candidates in states where few Jews live – like Kansas.