US News


Cuban raft boy Elian Gonzalez’s American relatives yesterday complained that the debate over his future has become “too political” — even as the young refugee moved front and center in the Senate race.

Cousin Marisleysis Gonzalez said the family had not made a decision about whether to visit New York for the New Year’s Eve millennium bash at the city’s invitation.

“We heard about it, but we don’t know what we are going to do,” the cousin said from Miami.

“I think this is becoming too political. I don’t want any more politics involved.”

At City Hall, Mayor Giuliani distanced himself from any invitation to Elian, calling it someone’s else proposal which the mayor said “may or may not be a good idea.”

Giuliani said it is up to the millennium organizing committee whether to invite the boy to the end-of-the-century party.

“No one would want to do anything that hurt the boy,” Giuliani said.

“It would be up to the family, up to the committee … I think that’s something I should reserve decision about depending how the family feels, how the committee feels.”

Giuliani said that regardless of what happens on New Year’s, Elian should remain in the United States.

The young refugee was rescued off South Florida last month after his mother and stepfather drowned trying to escape from Cuba. Elian’s father in Cuba and Fidel Castro want him sent back.

U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno has promised a decision soon.

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton’s own comments on Elian — in which she cited the benefits of growing up in a democracy and the sacrifice of Elian’s mother — also cheered his family.

“I feel that her words say that she wants Elian to stay — they are very sympathetic,” said Marisleysis Gonzalez.

Mrs. Clinton’s views differ from those of President Clinton, who has sympathized with the boy’s father.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Clinton taped an appearance on the “Rosie O’Donnell Show,” in which she and the host chatted about adoption and foster care — and carefully avoided any Giuliani-bashing.

In another development, a new poll by Quinnipiac College showed Giuliani leading Mrs. Clinton by 46 percent to 42 percent.