US News


BUFFALO – Leaving impeachment behind him in Washington yesterday, President Clinton took his State of the Union Address on the road with a raucous Buffalo rally.

First Lady Hillary Clinton – in her first visit to New York since her name was floated as a possible candidate to represent the state in the U.S. Senate – and Vice President Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, also made the trip.

Never once mentioning the “i” word, the president spoke to 21,790 supporters in the Marine Midland Arena, where he built on the themes of his Tuesday-night speech – saying the federal budget surplus must be used to preserve the Social Security system.

“We cannot afford to squander this moment. When have we ever had this many resources, this many things going right at one time in this country?” Clinton asked the cheering crowd.

“We have to look at the long-term challenges facing America.”

Mrs. Clinton, noting that Buffalo has seen more than 50 inches of snow this month, told the crowd: “I don’t care what the weather forecast is – there isn’t a warmer place in the United States.”

While none of the speakers on stage mentioned the First Lady’s political future, a supporter in the stands waved a sign, saying “Hillary for N.Y. Senator.”

Mrs. Clinton is widely thought of as a likely candidate next year for the seat being vacated by Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.).

The president joined in the praise for his wife, saying: “I think it’s fair to say that at least no one since Eleanor Roosevelt has done as much with the office of First Lady as Hillary has done.”

Many audience members said they hope Mrs. Clinton will become the state’s next senator.

“I think New York would be proud to have her,” said 71-year-old Bill Fuchs, a retired postman from nearby Tonawanda.

“She would be a terrific senator, and a lot of people would rush to the polls for her,” Fuchs said, following Mrs. Clinton’s 10-minute speech to the adoring crowd.

The rally seemed more like a presidential campaign than a day of policy speeches.

“Is this one hell of a party or what!” screamed Erie County Executive Dennis Gorski.

Hamming it up for the local crowd, Gore compared the president to Buffalo Sabre star goalie, Dominik Hasek.

“He kind of looks like Dominik Hasek sitting there. And he will not let bad legislation get by that president’s desk in the Oval Office. He is going to knock it away and keep it from passing,” Gore said.

The only disruption in the big love-fest came when Mrs. Clinton spoke and a man in the audience stood up and screamed, “How about perjury?”

Security workers quickly hustled the heckler out of the arena.