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Tag: Florida

PMC Ext2
March 7, 2024/News Releases

Parrish Medical Center Becomes a Cleveland Clinic Connected Member

First Cleveland Clinic Connected Member in the United States

March 1, 2024/News Releases

Cleveland Clinic Researchers Uncover How Virus Causes Cancer, Point to Potential Treatment

Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus activates a specific pathway to drive viral persistent infection and cell growth, paving the way for tumors to form 

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February 1, 2024/Florida

Muchos hispanos confían a diario en la inteligencia artificial para mejorar su salud

En el Mes del Corazón, una nueva encuesta nacional revela cuánto y cómo la comunidad hispana ya se beneficia de las nuevas tecnologías en salud

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February 1, 2024/Florida

Cleveland Clinic Survey: Most Americans Using Health Monitoring Technology are Experiencing Significant Physical and Mental Benefits

National survey also finds three in five Americans believe that AI will lead to better heart care

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December 19, 2023/Community Impact

Cleveland Clinic Invests in Initiatives that Impact Health of Communities it Serves

Health system releases its latest community benefit report  

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December 1, 2023/Abu Dhabi

Cleveland Clinic Children’s Facility Dogs Embark on International Adventure

Replicas of Ohio campus golden retrievers will tour the health system’s facilities in the U.S., Canada, U.K. and U.A.E., while taking followers behind-the-scenes in a social media campaign

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