Hi, I’m Dana Santas

Over the past twenty years working exclusively in professional sports as a mobility, breathing and mind-body coach to 45+ pro teams and serving nearly a decade as a health & wellness expert for CNN, my career and life have evolved to put me on a mission to use my experience and platform to help EVERYONE—not just elite athletes—BREATHE BETTER, MOVE BETTER and FEEL BETTER in their bodies and minds to perform better in their careers and live happier, healthier, more successful lives.

I truly believe that, regardless of our histories, current circumstances and, even, chronic mental and physical challenges, we all possess our own unique means within our bodies and minds for optimal performance and joyful living.

That’s why I created this website: to EMPOWER YOU with access to the resources I use both, with pro athletes, and, personally, in my own life to unlock and cultivate our full potential!

So, whether you’re here looking for ways to help yourself or, as a coach or trainer, looking for ways to assist your clients, this site is designed for you.

  • To get started, click on LEARN and check out my articles and program offerings.
  • If you’re interested in bringing me in for a lecture, workshop or in-service, go to the HIRE page.
  • Want to meet me at an event? Check out my schedule via the ATTEND button.
  • Want access to the same resources my pro athletes & I use? Visit the PRODUCTS page.

Thanks for letting me be part of your journey to



About Dana Santas

Nicknamed the “Mobility Maker,” Dana Santas CSCS*D, E-RYT, is a mobility, breathing and mind-body coach in professional sports, a best-selling author, health & wellness expert for CNN, inventor of the Mobility Maker bench, breathing and mind-body expert for the FocusCalm neurofeedback brain-training system, and an international presenter on ways we can breathe, move and feel better in our bodies and minds to bring out our best selves in our careers and lives.

Specializing in training athletes in MLB, NHL, NBA, NFL, MLS, PGA, WTA & WWE, Dana has experience consulting/training with 45+ professional sports teams and thousands of athletes worldwide.

She also proudly works with U.S. military, veterans and tactical athletes, including previously serving as exclusive mind-body coach for the Boston Fire Department.