Press Releases

Johnson Statement on Appointment to President Trump’s Impeachment Team

 U.S. Representative Mike Johnson (LA-04) tonight released the following statement regarding the White House’s announcement that he has been named to President Trump’s impeachment team:

“I am honored that President Trump has asked me to serve on his impeachment defense team. As I have said from the beginning, this case is about more than defending one president from a baseless political attack, it is about defending our Constitutional order and the Democratic process itself.   

“The Democrat majority in the House ignored the Constitution and the rule of law to obtain their single-party impeachment vote, and this has not been a fair fight—until now. I look forward to working with this exceptional team to ensure that order is restored and justice prevails.”

In a press release announcing Johnson and seven other House members to the impeachment team, the White House stated:

“Throughout this process, these Members of Congress have provided guidance to the White House team, which was prohibited from participating in the proceedings concocted by Democrats in the House of Representatives. The President looks forward to their continued participation and is confident that the Members will help expeditiously end this brazen political vendetta on behalf of the American people.”