Marvel Database

Quote1 What defines us is hope. That's why we don't give up. That's why, no matter the odds... we find a way t' win. Quote2

The mutant known as Rogue has the uncontrollable ability of absorbing the energy of others through physical contact, temporarily incorporating their abilities, powers, memories and even personality with a touch, a process which wears her victims out.[14] A runaway,[15] Rogue was found and adopted by mutant terrorists Mystique and Destiny.[16][17] She had her abilities traumatically activated when she shared her first kiss with a boy and put him into a coma.[18] As part of Mystique's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants Rogue accidentally learned through Destiny that the super-heroine Ms. Marvel was destined to bring tragedy to their life. Deciding to secretly attack Ms. Marvel, Rogue unexpectedly absorbed her entire persona, permanently keeping not only her flight and super-strength powers but also her psyche.[19][14] Gravely affected by this experience, Rogue had no choice but to seek help with Mystique's enemy, Professor Charles Xavier, founder and leader of the X-Men. Contrary to other members' disapproval, Xavier took Rogue in as part of the team.[20]

Rogue soon proved her worth by becoming one of Xavier's most loyal soldiers by not being afraid of putting herself in danger to protect others.[21] With the X-Men she found relative peace and even managed to get rid of Ms. Marvel's identity.[22] After a long period with the X-Men, she had different opportunities to lead the team,[23][24] and also to live a normal powerless life.[25] A notable super hero, Rogue was also a member of the Avengers Unity Division, a team designed to improve mutant-human relations,[26] eventually becoming the leader of the team.[27]

After getting married to her long-time teammate and lover, Gambit,[1] Rogue started to enjoy options to keep her powers in check.[28] As all mutantkind was invited to live on the mutant nation of Krakoa, Rogue and Gambit found a new home. After a period with the diplomatic mutant team Excalibur,[29] Rogue was elected to rejoin the X-Men, who were reinvented to serve and protect Krakoa and the world.[30]


Girl on the Run[]

Rogue (Anna Marie) (Earth-616) and Priscilla (Earth-616) from Rogue Vol 3 2 001

Young Anna Marie and her mother

Anna Marie was born to Priscilla and Owen in a back-to-nature hippie commune in Caldecott County, Mississippi. She was delivered by her aunt Carrie, her mother's sister. Although the prude Carrie believed Owen had ruined Priscilla's life, she still maintained a relationship with Priscilla and Anna Marie, who frequently visited her in their family's farmhouse. However, after Carrie reprimanded Priscilla for sharing the commune's attempt to use Native American mysticism to reach an ethereal plane known as the Far Banks, the sisters cut ties with each other. The ritual resulted in Priscilla's disappearance. Owen informed Carrie about the incident and left Anna Marie under her care by asking her to move in to the commune. In her grief at the loss of her sister, Carrie proved to be a strict and authoritarian guardian. This led Anna Marie to be a rebellious child. Her poor relationship with her rigid aunt and distant father prompted her to run away from home as a kid.[4]

Fending for herself as a loner, she was nicknamed by the locals as "Rogue", which became the only name she would go by. The skittish Rogue was approached by a warm-hearted Mystique, a mutant shapeshifter. Since Mystique was an outcast herself, Rogue trusted her.[16] Mystique took Rogue in on the advice of her precognitive partner, Destiny. As part of a family, Rogue enjoyed happy moments with her mothers.[31][17] However, due to Destiny's knowledge about the future, Mystique was secretly aware of Rogue's condition as a mutant and, in fact, had plans for her in her cause as a mutant terrorist.[18]

At some point, Rogue grew close to a boy named Cody Robbins. Mystique feared for their relationship, wishing to prevent any development from it. Still, during their flirtation, Rogue impulsively kissed Robbins, at which point her latent mutant power to absorb the life energy and psyche of others with skin-to-skin contact emerged. Cody Robbins was left in a coma from which he would not awaken. Rogue was traumatized by the experience, breaking her spirit to the point of embracing Mystique's mission. Not able to control her absorption powers at first, Rogue usually wore body-concealing clothing that eliminated the possibility of accidental skin contact.[18][16][32]

Brotherhood of Evil Mutants[]

One of Destiny's visions predicted that the super-heroine Carol Danvers, the mighty Ms. Marvel, would ruin Rogue's life. In order to protect Rogue, Mystique had her Brotherhood of Evil Mutants attack Ms. Marvel with no success, leading to their arrest. Noticing Mystique's fury, Rogue decided to deal with their enemy by herself in secrecy. Learning Ms. Marvel would be in San Francisco, Rogue tackled her, wishing to prove her worth to the eyes of the Brotherhood. During a fight at the Golden Gate Bridge, Rogue's powers interacted with Ms. Marvel in an unexpected way: Rogue absorbed Ms. Marvel's alien-based powers and memories permanently. Rogue gained Ms. Marvel's incredible strength, near-invulnerability, the power of flight, but her psyche was fractured in the process, ironically consummating Destiny's prediction. Rogue disposed of the apparently lifeless body of Danvers, who was saved by Spider-Woman.[19]

Rogue's loneliness, envy, bitterness, and despair were turned into anger. Wielding Ms. Marvel's abilities, she was ordered to defeat the Avengers, attacking them at their mansion headquarters in order to acquire enough power to break the arrested Brotherhood members free. Rogue was able to incapacitate Captain America and Thor, but was forced to retreat for not being able to subdue Wonder Man with her absorption powers. After regrouping with the Brotherhood at the prison on Ryker's Island, Rogue battled the Avengers one more time. The Avengers prevailed, prompting Mystique to escape with Rogue.[14]

Danvers was psychically treated by the telepath Professor Charles Xavier of the mutant group known as the X-Men,[14] adversaries to Mystique and the Brotherhood. Unbeknownst to them, Mystique had secretly set base at the Pentagon.[33] When Danvers and the X-Men Storm and Wolverine invaded the Pentagon to delete any intel they had about the X-Men, Rogue was casually seen by her former victim. Danvers immediately unleashed her rage upon her aggressor, but Rogue proved to be a formidable foe, forcing Storm to send her out of the battle site with a cyclone.[34] Soon after, Mystique and Rogue envisioned a plan to free their teammates from the Windust Maximum Security Prison. Impersonating the psychiatrist Dr. Kellogg, Rogue had access to the inmates. They were prevented from overcoming the authorities due to the efforts of the space knight Rom, but Rogue, Mystique, and Destiny still managed to run away, resuming their operations as a Sisterhood.[6]

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Rogue battles Dazzler

The Sisterhood sought revenge on the X-Men and decided that Angel would be an appropriate source of information. However, Angel's ally, the Dazzler, defeated them before they could harm him.[35] This led Rogue to vow revenge on Dazzler, since she had become increasingly jealous of her popular and attractive lifestyle. Going against Mystique,[36] Rogue invaded Dazzler's apartment by herself, but the Heroes for Hire drove her off. Rogue was able to track Dazzler's movements to the dorm room where her sister, Lois London, lived in. Ultimately, Dazzler was able to fend Rogue off alongside the Heroes for Hire after revealing the X-Men were dead so Rogue's mission was pointless.[37] Rogue still nurtured her envy for the Dazzler and continued her vendetta. Hunting Dazzler down to Los Angeles, Rogue was invested in merely hurting her hated opponent this time. Dazzler ran away to an airfield, where she siphoned the acoustic energy from an aircraft to knock Rogue out. Rogue's life was put at risk due to her being unconscious next to the plane's turbine. Ultimately, Dazzler ultimately chose to save her enemy's life.[38]


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Rogue battles the X-Men

Rogue began to suffer more acutely from having Carol Danvers' memories in her head. Desperate, Rogue turned to Professor Charles Xavier and the X-Men, where Binary attacked her on sight. Professor Xavier's charity towards all mutants led him to welcome her into his School for Gifted Youngsters, regardless of his team having previously fought Rogue, and in spite of the X-Men's own strong disagreements. Professor X psychically examined Rogue and invited her to join the X-Men and live at the mansion, with the team even threatening to leave if she was allowed to stay. Professor Xavier reminded them of their ideals as X-Men and they gave her a chance.[20]

With the X-Men, Rogue traveled to Japan to attend the wedding of their team member Wolverine. At first, enraged at seeing Rogue had joined the X-Men, she earned his trust by saving the life of his fiancée while Viper and Silver Samurai poisoned the X-Men and battled him. Over time, Rogue eventually earned the respect of all the X-Men and became a valued, trusted member of the team. After a quick battle with Mastermind, Mystique attempted to "rescue" Rogue from the X-Men, thinking Prof. Xavier forced her to leave the Brotherhood, only to have Rogue tell her that she joined of her own free will.[39]

After finding out that Michael Rossi was in danger, Carol's residual personality took over and Rogue attacked a S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier which prompted Nick Fury to send out an all-points bulletin on her.[40] In an attempt to take Rogue down, Henry Gyrich and Valerie Cooper had Forge create a neutralizing gun, and while Gyrich fired at Rogue, Storm was hit with the gun on maximum setting. As a result, Storm was stripped of all her powers.[41]

The X-Men battled the Juggernaut and Nimrod. Rogue absorbed the powers of most of her teammates to defeat Nimrod.[42]

When Mojo regressed the X-Men to X-Babies, Rogue was among those de-aged and brainwashed alongside Longshot, Psylocke, Colossus, Shadowcat, Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler and Magneto. Ultimately, however, the team was saved by the New Mutants.[43].

Dazzler joined the X-Men and fought Juggernaut by herself and was defeated. Rogue led her small team of X-Men to rescue Dazzler and defeat Juggernaut. Rogue was forced to confront and cooperate with Dazzler, a one-time adversary who she attempted to kill.[44]

Rogue was approached by Mystique and informed that Destiny had foreseen that the X-Men would die in Dallas. Tracking Storm, the X-Men arrived at Forge's Eagle Plaza, in Dallas, Texas, where they were attacked by the Freedom Force and Rogue was captured. After the initial battle, a rift opened in the sky of Dallas and chaos ensued of different weather patterns right next to each other and beings and creatures from the past appeared and attacked. The X-Men and Freedom Force formed a temporary alliance with each other to save the citizens of Dallas until Colossus decided to enter Eagle Plaza. After gaining access into the Starlight Citadel, the X-Men battled the Adversary and, after Rogue absorbed his power and opened a portal to seal him in, gave their lives to imprison the Adversary, with a spell cast by Forge; however, the Omniversal Guardian, named Roma, restored the X-Men to life and freed the Adversary under the notion that there could be no order without chaos. The events had been broadcast over a live television news feed and the world believed the heroes to be dead. After being resurrected, the X-Men decided to use the opportunity to go underground and keep their rebirth secret.[45]

The X-Men resurfaced in Australia, where they defeated the Reavers. They claimed their base and teleporter, Gateway, a mute, mutant Aborigine with the ability to create gates with his bullroarer. Roma appeared and presented them with the Siege Perilous, a gem that created a portal which granted any person who walked through its judgment and a new chance at life, with a new career, home, and so forth and had magically made them invisible to any sort of mechanical perception.[46]

After Madelyne went missing, the X-Men battled the Press Gang and Genoshan Magistrates, where Rogue and Wolverine were captured and taken to Genosha. While in captivity, Rogue and Wolverine were stripped of their powers by Wipeout and contained where the guards "took a few liberties" with Rogue. Embarrassed, Rogue allowed the Carol Danvers personality to take-over and escaped, rescuing Wolverine. Rogue, still under Danvers's influence, and Wolverine followed Phillip Moreau to the Mutates' camp, until they were attacked, and the X-Men arrived to rescue them.[47]

At later times when Rogue would become unconscious, or in extreme stress, Danvers' personality would take-over.[48] Rogue and Dazzler formed a tepid friendship, which was tested several times as Rogue envied Dazzler's intimate relationship with teammate Longshot. Rogue even dressed and posed as Dazzler to court the man's attention.[49]

Rogue was eventually taken back to the memory of guards of Genosha molesting her and she began to shut-out the Carol personality completely. After destroying her room, because the Carol personality remodeled, Dazzler recommended that the women of the X-Men have a social outing. The X-Women went to a mall in Beverly Hills and, after they indulged in a day of shopping and frivolity, rescued Jubilee from the M-Squad.[50]

After the Carol personality visited the Wall and her old apartment, Rogue reasserted herself just-in-time to battle Master Mold and Nimrod, while wearing Carol's old Ms. Marvel uniform. While battling, Master Mold absorbed Nimrod, killed Senator Kelly's wife, and continued to reconstruct all of the X-Men's damage. Dazzler threw the Siege Perilous at the Master Mold's decapitated head and Rogue sacrificed herself, to ensure the Sentinel would go through, and disappeared.[51]

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Savage Land

Rogue was stripped of her powers for a time, as well as the remaining portions of Carol's personality that had haunted her. Rogue ended up powerless in the Savage Land, where she was taken in by Magneto. Rogue ultimately saw through Magneto's noble facade when he killed the high priestess Zaladane, who had amassed an army of Savage Land natives, so she left.[52]

Rogue traveled to Muir Island, where she fell under the control of the Shadow King. As her powers returned, she and the X-Men defeated the Shadow King, and she rejoined the team.[53] During this conflict, she had her first encounter with the new X-Man called Gambit, while they were both under the Shadow King's influence. The uninhibited and corrupting influence of Farouk led to them making out. When the mind control ended, Gambit remembered their encounter, but Rogue did not, leading to an awkward encounter afterwards.[54]

Despite the circumstances of their first meeting, Rogue and Gambit were immediately attracted to each other and quickly began dating.[55] Rogue and Gambit's relationship was often strained, much thanks to her inability to control her absorption power and his dishonesty. Around this time, Cody Robbins, the first person to fall victim to Rogue's powers, passed away after being used as a pawn by Gambit's ex-wife, Bella Donna, and ex-lover Candra.[56]

It was eventually discovered that Mystique had two sons: the now-deceased anti-mutant politician Graydon Creed and Rogue's long-time teammate, Nightcrawler. Rogue and Nightcrawler considered themselves to be siblings, although the revelation did not particularly alter their friendship.[16]

Revolutionary Leader[]

When the Galactic Council transformed Earth into a maximum-security penal colony for hundreds of extraterrestrial criminals, Rogue absorbed the attributes of Z'Cann -- a telepathic alien shapeshifter who had joined Cadre K, Xavier's Skrulls equivalent to the X-Men. Z'Cann purposely touched Rogue to activate the mutant's abilities as the two evaded bounty hunters. Z'Cann used her telepathy to amplify Rogue's capacity to assimilate memories, causing her powers to mutate.[57]


During an invasion of aliens from another dimension, Rogue begged Sage to use her jump-starting powers to evolve Rogue to a point where she could control all of the various powers inside of her. Sage agreed, and Rogue gained full control over her powers and became a one-woman army, able to use the powers of anyone she had absorbed in the past, exhibiting a multitude of powers at once.[58]

In that same invasion, Rogue was confronted by Vargas who was said to be "a new species all together". Vargas wanted to kill her to preserve his own life; as he showed her a page from one of Destiny's diaries that indicated Rogue was prophesized to kill him. Rogue fought Vargas off and sped to rescue Gambit from the machine that used him to power a trans-dimensional gate. The power beam trapped her with him, and they were both stabbed by Vargas. Wounded but still alive, Rogue pursued Vargas, ambushing him by replacing his statue of Psylocke and eventually using all her abilities to defeat him (and perhaps kill him, though the exact outcome of their fight is still uncertain). Both Gambit and Rogue survived by a near margin, though Rogue had to enter the Astral Plane to force Gambit to live.[59]

Following the repulsion of the invasion, Rogue realized that the Destiny Prophecies were only possibilities and that trying to follow them was more dangerous than ignoring them. She also learned that she had inherited a mansion in New Orleans from Destiny, and the X-Men retired there to recuperate. Rogue soon left the team with Gambit, since they both emerged powerless from their ordeals and wanted to further explore their relationship.[60]

Valle Soleada[]

As ordinary humans, Rogue and Gambit arrived at Valle Soleada, a coastal neighborhood in Los Angeles where mutants and humans coexisted, in an apparent peaceful way. This was soon proved to be false when the mutant gang known as the Spikes harassed Rogue for being a human at a local bar. In the ensuing fight, the vandals destroyed Rogue's bike. She and Gambit were cared for by Jack Freestone and his wife, Paint, who possessed the power to create tattoos by touch alone. Rogue complimented Paint on her tattoos and, in return, Paint covered Rogue's left arm with some tattoos of her own. Simultaneously, Rogue had become the interest of the sensationalist tabloid Spotlight due to her epic final battle against Vargas and, during the incident, she was approached by the reporters Manoli Wetherell and Neal Conan. At first, she attempted to hide from them, but ultimately agreed to be interviewed considering the fight with the Spikes. However, before she could help them, they learned Spotlight had been shuttered down due to the intervention of the mutant conglomerate X-Corp.[25]

Setting home at a beach house in Valle Soleada, Rogue worked as a mechanic and became known as Anna Raven in the neighborhood. Since X-Corp's influence in Los Angeles always favored mutants in the region regardless of their intentions, Storm's X-Men investigated Valle Soleada. Gambit accompanied Storm on official matters, while the other X-Men visited Rogue to investigate a series of mutant on human violence incidents. At a local bar, Rogue and the X-Men were surprised by a terrorist bombing attempt performed by Marie D'Ancanto, a mutilated human girl who had witnessed her family perish because of the Spikes.[61] Rogue was able to prevent the detonation and took the young anti-mutant activist to her house, where they shared personal experiences. Rogue and the X-Men learned D'Ancanto's motivations, which were related to X-Corp undermining any opportunity she could have to achieve justice.[62]

During D'Ancanto's trial, Rogue and Cannonball approached the Spikes due to her reckless actions while Sage linked the aggressors to X-Corp. Rogue contacted Evangeline Whedon to represent D'Ancanto. Meanwhile, Rogue was tormented by the dark psychic Revenant, suggesting a secret agent was behind the events taking place in Valle Soleada. Eventually, Rogue fought Revenant and decided to settle the problem by herself.[63] She invaded X-Corp's mansion to interrogate its director, Roberto da Costa. Rogue was kicked out by da Costa, giving the Spikes an opportunity to brutally attack her. She was assisted by the X-Men and the locals from Valle Soleada. This led D'Ancanto to have justice and the X-Men to identify who pulled the strings all along, the predator Elias Bogan.[64]

With Gambit back,[65] the X-Men focused on purging Valle Soleada from Bogan. With Bishop captured,[66] Rogue and Gambit investigated his disappearance. They learned Sage and Bishop had planned his kidnapping in secrecy, prompting Rogue to confront Sage for being facetious.[67] In an attempt to invade Bogan's hideout, many X-Men and X-Corp members were subdued.[68] Rogue, Sage and Kitty Pryde prepared themselves to counter Bogan and liberate their allies.[69] Inside Bogan's psyche, Rogue prevented Sage from sacrificing herself to end him.[70] Bogan then trapped the X-Men inside an illusion where they were forced to confront their monsters. Rogue resisted the fear of becoming just like her mother Mystique and allying herself with Vargas. Bogan was unable to corrupt the X-Men and vanished.[71] In the aftermath, with Storm granting her X-Men recognition as law-enforcement officers, Rogue had Sage jumpstart Gambit's mutation, restoring his powers.[72]


Rogue and Gambit returned to the Xavier Institute. Through unexplained means, Rogue's original abilities returned; however, she no longer possessed the abilities she had absorbed from Ms. Marvel and lost her earlier control over her powers. Rogue and Gambit were both put on Havok's team. On their first mission back, the X-Men battled against a Chinese mutant team to rescue Xorn. They succeeded and brought Xorn back to the X-Mansion with them.[73]

The X-Men then faced a new Brotherhood in Philadelphia. The Brotherhood followed them back to the Mansion and attacked them at home. Rogue notably fought Black Tom Cassidy, while the other X-Men fought off the rest of the Brotherhood. Black Tom almost killed Rogue, but she was saved by Northstar.[74]

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X-Treme Rogue

Rogue then traveled down south to save a young mutant girl from her powers. While there, she met Campbell Sainte-Ange, a young man who was immune to Rogue's lethal touch. Also, while there, Rogue forcibly absorbed knowledge from her aunt Carrie that explained that Rogue's mother had traveled to the Far Banks, a dream-realm, to stop her father from getting there himself. Rogue encountered the incorporeal spirit of her mother therein and absorbed her memories. After the reunion, her mother's trapped spirit could finally move on. Rogue subsequently went back to her Aunt Carrie and made amends with her.[75]

Rogue then returned to the X-Men and had to fight against the monstrous Golgotha, large creatures with limited telepathic abilities. During this ordeal, Rogue and Gambit got into a fight, and he left. While recovering from Logan's mind, Rogue received a call from Emma Frost, who tried to kill Havok, mistakenly thinking Havok to be Cyclops. Rogue absorbed both Havok and Polaris' powers when the X-Men fought a herd of Golgotha in space.[76]

She later gained Sunfire's powers after absorbing them when he was dying, subsequent to his battle with Lady Deathstrike, who amputated both his legs.[77]

Rogue returned to the Mansion and led the Advocates Squad in the school's new squad system. She soon found that Gambit was being seduced by latest X-Kid and Chevaliers Squad member Foxx. Foxx was actually Mystique in disguise, who sought to break up Gambit and Rogue. She believed she had found someone better for Rogue and was not particularly fond of Gambit. The X-Men voted, and Mystique was allowed to be a probationary member of the X-Men, a decision neither Rogue nor Gambit liked.[78]

Rogue X-Men[]

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Rogue's X-Men

Gambit's transformation into Death radicalized much of Rogue's attitude in the X-Men. She channeled her pain by taking an aggressive and risky stance during missions, something that was made evident when the X-Men rescued Lady Mastermind and the Omega Sentinel Karima Shapandar from the Fordyce Clinic, an institution that experimented on mixing the mutant genome with viral vectors. Although Xavier worried for her recklessness, Cyclops vouched for her and gave her the command of an X-Men team. She initially recruited Iceman, Cannonball and Mystique, wishing to keep watch over her traitorous mother. Unexpectedly, Sabretooth approached the X-Men looking for sanctuary at the X-Mansion in order to protect himself from the deadly Children of the Vault.[79] Rogue decided to grant Sabretooth asylum and investigate matters.[80]

Wishing to erase records about their existence, the Children of the Vault attacked the X-Men to finish Sabretooth, using Northstar and Aurora as their puppet agents. When fighting Northstar, Rogue was assisted by Cable, who would also join her team.[81] Sabretooth revealed the Children of the Vault were temporally advanced humans awakened from inside a cargo ship named El Conquistador due to energies liberated during M-Day. They wished to overtake Earth as its inheritors.[82] Rogue assembled her team to stop them before El Conquistador could reach the X-Men, controversially joined by Sabretooth, Lady Mastermind and Omega Sentinel in her mission. Rogue's team failed to intercept them, and they arrived at the X-Mansion.[24] However, her plan was to sabotage El Conquistador without the Children of the Vault's knowledge. Rogue led her X-Men to her first victory, forcing the Children to retreat. As a result, her team left the X-Mansion, operating on field independently.[83] In order to restore Northstar's and Aurora's hurt psyches, Rogue brought her team to a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, fighting Exodus and the Acolytes in the process.[84]

Investigating Lady Mastermind's and Omega Sentinel's kidnapping, Rogue learned about Dr. Richard Palance's involvement. Palance was a colleague of Xavier Rogue knew from the past, as he had tried to help her with her lack of control over her powers. Palance, rebranded as Pandemic, tricked the X-Men and kidnapped Rogue[85] since he had been obsessed with her power-replicating abilities since they had first met. Pandemic infected rogue with the Strain 88, a virus that amplified her powers into an instantaneous death-touch. He was defeated by being in contact with Sabretooth's healing factor, but Rogue's condition was still critical.[86] Cable took Rogue to his own nation, Providence. There, she was medically treated. Unexpectedly, Lady Mastermind found a mental parasite in her psyche, the Shi'ar mummudrai Urizen. The mummudrai was followed to Providence by the living weapon Hecatomb, which feasted on minds.[87] Cable merged with the mummudrai and telepathically forced Rogue to wake up and fight the Hecatomb. In getting into contact with the Hecatomb, Rogue destroyed it, but also absorbed the psyches of the billions of entities that had been stored inside it.[88]

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Rogue and Gambit

The X-Men moved Rogue to her family house in Caldecott to recover from the immensity of the voices in her fractured mind. The other X-Men arrived to help her and Emma Frost mentally probed into her mind with no success. Mister Sinister's Marauders then brutally attacked the X-Men very effectively thanks to the traitor Lady Mastermind. Moreover, Omega Sentinel was possessed by Malice, also attacking her teammates. It was revealed that Mystique was the Marauders' secret leader and in charge of the whole treacherous operation as she mortally shot Rogue.[89] Sinister wished to prevent the X-Men from having any information about the future, keeping Rogue alive at his base in Antarctica because she had a recollection of Destiny's Diaries within her chaotic mind. Gambit, who also worked as one of Mister Sinister's Marauders, was constantly protective of Rogue.[90] The fight against Mister Sinister permanently destroyed Rogue's team of X-Men.[91] Mister Sinister, Mystique and Gambit could not access Rogue's mind. Although Rogue momentarily woke up due to Gambit's presence, she soon fell into a coma again.[92]

The X-Men attacked the Marauders' Antarctic base in order to rescue Rogue and the mysterious first mutant baby born since M-Day. However, they were ambushed by Mister Sinister and failed. They learned from Gambit that the baby was in Cable's possession instead.[93] Eventually, the Marauders got hold of the baby after putting Cable out of commission.[94] Sinister relocated the Marauders and Rogue to Muir Island. While standing by Rogue's bedside, Mystique was visited by Mr. Sinister who told her that there would be no cure for Rogue's terminal condition. Without warning, Mystique ambushed Sinister and shoved his face onto Rogue's. The contact instantly killed Sinister.[95]

In keeping with the words of the Destiny's Diaries, Mystique placed the baby's face in direct contact with Rogue's, with the understanding that Rogue would be purged from her physical and psychic infection and awaken from her comatose state. Helping Rogue had been all along Mystique's and Gambit's motivation for betraying the X-Men and joining the Marauders. The baby was not affected by Rogue's power, but a healthy Rogue woke up shortly after. Realizing what Mystique had done at the risk of murdering a baby, Rogue incapacitated her with a touch, absorbing her powers and consciousness. Rogue shared with Gambit that the baby had rebooted her abilities, removing any intruding psyches. Mystique's, however, was unfortunately a new guest, prompting Rogue to seek for a time alone.[96]

X-Men Legacy[]

Rogue travelled around the Australian outback on a motorcycle. Rogue returned to the X-Men's former headquarters in Maynards Plains, Australia. She spoke to Mystique (who was in fact a copy of the real Mystique's mind, residing in Rogue's psyche) telling her that no one else could help her with her powers and that it was down to her to figure out how to control them.[97]

One day, a woman appeared in town claiming to be an anthropologist from Melbourne University. Rogue made it clear she could stay as long as she wanted, but to keep out of her way. The anthropologist approached Rogue with questions about some of the remains she had found in the town. Rogue said she didn't know and to leave her alone. The anthropologist followed her and explained she had a different identity. The anthropologist was then targeted by a low flying Shi'ar spaceship and revealed that she was really Danger and informed Rogue she was going to get her revenge on Professor Xavier for using her as a conduit. Danger was damaged by the Shi'ar and created an amalgamation of several past events in the X-Men's history prominently involving Rogue in the town using her hard light capabilities. As Professor Xavier and Gambit searched for her, Rogue evaded old versions of the X-Men and the Marauders that were part of Danger's creation. She was finally cornered by the Marauders and refused to let Mystique take control and save her as the fake Scalphunter shot at her. Mystique took over Rogue's body to save her and fought off the Marauders, returning Rogue's control over her body.[98]

Rogue then made her way to the top of a holographic Tokyo Tower and tried to use its height to find the Institute, deducing that the projections were changing at ten-minute intervals, altering the environment around her; however, Rogue didn't get far as she ended up in Antarctica, witnessing the moment she abandoned Gambit after his trial. She regretted her decision, telling Mystique that she really hadn't moved on. It was at this point that Cody Robbins, the first person to fall victim to Rogue's powers appeared before her, repeating his greeting from the night her powers manifested, leaving her speechless.[99]

Rogue continued travelling through areas connected to her past, speaking with and fighting Ms. Marvel, Mystique and Magneto until eventually the Professor, Gambit, and a group of Shi'ar pirates managed to shut down Danger; however, the Professor reactivated her, and she and Rogue defeated the pirates in turn. After this, it was revealed that Rogue's powers never truly developed past their initial "nascent" stage, which was the reason why they never functioned properly. The Professor, now aware of this fact, used his telepathy to tear down the mental walls that kept Rogue's powers from developing (the walls were created as a side effect every time she absorbed other people starting with Cody, and even more so with Ms. Marvel), as well as removing the mental echo of Mystique. Finally Rogue kissed Gambit, with no ill side effect, revealing that she was in control of her absorption power.[100]


Rogue, Gambit, and Danger decided to go to San Francisco in order to regroup with the other X-Men. On their way there they were intercepted by Pixie who teleported them into the city, which was in a state of chaos due to the anti-mutant and pro-mutant movements. Cyclops sent all three out in order to locate several missing students and brought them home. During their mission Rogue faced off against the new Ms Marvel. Finding that she couldn't touch her opponent, Rogue resorted to a trick and fled the site.

Later on, she joined Gambit, who had been injured by Ares, along with Danger. Ares did not take her seriously and dismissed her both as an opponent and her attempts to calm things down. Rogue grabbed Ares and absorbed his powers. Ares was dismissive of her attempt and claimed that she couldn't absorb him, a boast that proved wrong as she weakened him enough for Gambit to blast him bloody and stunned. Having for the moment absorbed some of Ares' power, she easily dispatched a small group of H.A.M.M.E.R. agents with superhuman strength and proceeded to steal their tank, along with Gambit and Danger, in order to find the rest of the students.

Rogue found Trance as her powers flared out of control, creating powerful uncontrollable bio-electric blasts. Rogue tried to help calm Trance and help her gain control when Ms. Marvel appeared. After taking out Gambit and Danger, Rogue and Ms. Marvel fought; Rogue was losing until Trance regained control and jumped in to help Rogue. Trance learned that her astral form was able to punch Ms. Marvel when they were both intangible. After Gambit stunned Ms. Marvel, they teleported back to base where Trance received medical attention.[101]


When Emplate returned to find mutants to feed on, Rogue volunteered to enter his base and try to stop him, despite Gambits protests. Rogue finally managed to defeat him and saved Bling! who had been taken captive by Emplate.[102]

Post "Age of X"[]

After the events of "Age of X" Rogue became torn between her romantic feelings for Gambit and Magneto. Gambit stated that she had to be ready for him for good before he could be with her again, and that he would be waiting for her when she was ready. After Rogue confronted Magneto about his sordid past, she spent a night of passion with him and despite her declaration that it would be for one night only the two began a committed relationship. Afterwards, Rogue joined Professor X, Frenzy, Legion, Magneto, and Gambit on a mission to capture several of Legion's personalities that escaped after Age of X. The final battle with Legion's personality Styx resulted in Rogue temporarily absorbing many of Legion's powers, which led her to finding the location of Havok, Polaris, and Marvel Girl, the mutants that were left in space after the X-Men's mission to stop Vulcan.[103]


After the Schism between Wolverine and Cyclops, Rogue had great trouble deciding whether to stay on Utopia or follow Wolverine to Westchester. At Magneto's advice she went around Utopia getting the opinions of various different people to help her decide, but finally decided to go to Westchester due to her love of helping and teaching the children. She and Magneto agreed to keep in touch as they continued their relationship long distance.[104]

Avengers vs. X-Men[]

Rogue was reluctant to join the fight against the Avengers, despite being urged to do so by both her students and fellow X-Men. She refused to do so, due to it reminding her of the bad person she used to be, even after She-Hulk, Falcon, and Moon Knight came to monitor the school on behalf of the Avengers. After She-Hulk injured kids whom she mistook for monsters, however, Rogue finally attacked them.[105] The Avengers were all defeated and Rogue realized that she couldn't stay on the sidelines of the fight and decided to join the battle, together with several other members of staff.[106]

After the Phoenix chose Cyclops, Colossus, Emma Frost, Magik, and Namor as its hosts and they began fixing the world, Rogue assisted them, using her powers to replenish natural resources and aid people. She was approached by Ms. Marvel who wanted to talk to her. Rogue distrusted her, however, and attacked her. Ms. Marvel was captured by Magik who transported her to a prison she had built in a volcano. Here the Avengers were imprisoned in a piece of Limbo where demons kept them imprisoned by making them fight their worst fears in their minds. Rogue was horrified and attempted to break Carol free. Magik noticed, however, and sent Rogue away to an alien planet.[107]

Rogue (Anna Marie) (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 271 0001

In the middle of the battle

While on the alien planet Rogue found herself in the middle of a battle between two races and in an act of self-defense, she attracted the attention of both races and fled the battlefield. While trying to find food she almost ate something toxic, if not for Chahr who warned her of the effect of the fruit. Chahr asked for Rogue's help to defeat the other race, called The Swarm, and in return they would do all they could to help her return to her world. That night the Swarm attacked her shelter and while fighting them she used up all Ms. Marvel's powers.[108] The Swarm attempted to assimilate her, but due to Rogue's experience fighting off foreign control and maintaining her state of mind, they failed and resolved to bring her before the Swarm's Queen. The Queen also attempted to assimilate Rogue but in doing so, Rogue was able to access a locked away memory in the Swarm's Hive Mind. This memory showed the Queen meeting with the king of Chahr's people. The two monarchs agreed to make war in order to make sure that their populations stayed thin enough for them to able to continue living off the planet.[109]

The Queen was enraged and attempted to kill Rogue, as well as exiling the Swarm member that had brought her there. Rogue and the exiled Swarm managed to escape and bonded together in an effort to survive. In the end, Rogue brought peace to both of the two races by showing the conspiracy between the King and the Queen. As promised, Chahr gave Rogue an item which brought Rogue back to Earth.[110]

Finally arriving on Earth, Cyclops had gone mad from possessing the Phoenix Force all by himself. Rogue tried to save civilians trapped under the rubble made by Cyclops' attack. With the help of Magneto and several normal people willingly to help, Rogue saved most of the civilians but one who was injured too much. While on the mission Magneto and Rogue discuss the distance their relationship has had since the schism. Climbing through the rubble Magneto, on one knee, tells Rogue he has a proposal for her. At her shock he corrects himself saying he is not proposing marriage, only that they find a way to be together. When the pair finds the last civilian the subway begins to collapse and against Rogue's wishes removes the injured man so the three can escape. The man dies and afterwards Magneto and Rogue talk with Rogue saying she wants to try to figure out who she is apart from someone else. The two kissed farewell and went their separate ways.[111][112]

Avengers Unity Division[]

During Charles Xavier's funeral, Rogue encountered the Scarlet Witch at Xavier's grave. Rogue took offense to seeing Wanda there, and the two began fighting. Their battle was interrupted by the arrival of the Red Skull and his team of altered humans. Rogue and Wanda were both captured and taken to the Red Skull's base.[113] Rogue managed to escape from her captors and encountered Wanda, who was now being mind-controlled by the Red Skull, who immediately attacked her. The two fought their way into Skull's laboratory where they found the now brainless corpse of Charles Xavier. This was enough to snap Wanda out of her mind control and Rogue vowed that she would kill the Red Skull for desecrating Xavier's corpse and taking his brain; however, they were immediately attacked by the Red Skull and his team.[114] Scarlet Witch and Rogue were mentally controlled into allowing their execution by the mentally-controlled mutant-hating crowd Red Skull gathered, but snapped back once the Avengers Unity Division appeared to fight Shmidt.[115] After Red Skull and his S-Men escaped, Rogue joined the Avengers Unity Division.[26]

In a divergent universe, the Apocalypse Twins' machinations led to the death of both Rogue and the Scarlet Witch[116] and the destruction of Earth,[117] with the only remaining human being the Wasp.[118] The remaining members of the Avengers Unity Division from that dire future transported their consciousness to the present,[119] and informed about what would happen if they didn't act different.[120] By absorbing the powers of almost every Avenger and X-Men, Rogue prevented the Celestial Exitar (who had been tricked by the Apocalypse Twins into punishing Earth) from literally stepping on Earth and destroying it, while Thor slayed him with the Jarnbjorn, his old magical axe which was in the possession of the Twins. The Avengers also destroyed the Twins' Tachyon Dam, a device which prevented any physical time-travel. By doing this, they accidentally allowed Kang (who had helped the future remaining Avengers to travel to the present) to arrive, along with his Chronos Corps, and absorb Exitar's blood, gaining enormous power.[120]

As the Infinity Watch arrived to help the Avengers fight the Chronos Corps, Havok and Sunfire confronted and ultimately defeated Kang, who was forced to flee along with his soldiers. After the crisis was over, Rogue was in the process of being driven mad by all the heroes she had absorbed. The Scarlet Witch cast a spell to return those powers to their owners, although Rogue still retained the powers and the very essence she absorbed from Wonder Man.[121] She had also lost her ability to freely touch others.[122] During the events of World War Hate, Rogue left the Avengers Unity Division and fought with the inverted X-Men against the Avengers and humanity. After the reinversion spell was cast, almost all returned to their normal state and Rogue rejoined the Unity Division as the team's new leader.[123] Their first adventure took them to Counter-Earth to look for Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. They were unexpectedly captured by the citizens of Counter-Earth and Rogue was stripped of Wonder Man's consciousness, but not his powers, by the Master Scientist.[124]

Following Steve Rogers' retirement, Rogue became the field leader of the Avengers Unity Division, although she accepted Steve Rogers' official oversight and recommendations for membership, such as Deadpool.[27] After flying through a Terrigen Cloud to rescue some mutants, Rogue began to suffer from Terrigen poisoning.[125] She required regular injections to stop herself becoming ill or dying.[27] Later on, the Red Skull attempted to mount a new attack on the team, but Deadpool was able to resist the telepathic attack long enough to get Magneto's old helmet on Rogue so that she could resist the Skull's telepathy. Rogue subsequently took the Skull to a new facility where Beast was able to extract the uniquely Xavier elements from the Skull's brain, depriving him of Xavier's telepathy, while Rogue and Human Torch incinerated the brain.[126]

As part of HYDRA's takeover of the United States, the Nazi duplicate of Steve Rogers that had been masquerading as Captain America disbanded the Avengers Unity Division, and imprisoned them, along with most of America's superheroes, in a Darkforce Dimension dome that covered New York City. Rogue and what was left of her team would team up with minor supervillains Shocker and Scorpia to protect civilians from the Darkforce's native fauna.[127]

The Unity Division would officially dissolve shortly thereafter, with Rogue's team defeating Graviton and the Juggernaut before it was merged with the other active Avengers teams to defeat Voyager, the Black Order, and the Lethal Legion.[128][129]

The Man Called X[]

After they were united by a telepathic rally call from Psylocke, Rogue would join a ragtag group of X-Men (including her mother Mystique and ex-boyfriend Gambit) to delve into the Astral Plane, defeat the demonic psychic entity known as the Shadow King, and resurrect deceased X-Men founder Charles Xavier.[130] This team would stay together for a second mission, during which they would halt the threat of the reality-warping supervillain Proteus.[131] These missions would temporarily bring Anna-Marie closer to Mystique and Gambit, but Xavier would erase the memory of their adventure from the entire team's minds to keep his resurrection a secret.[132]

Mr and Mrs X[]

Rogue was called in together with Iceman to lead the X-Men and the Xavier Institute after Kitty Pryde had been arrested due to the machinations of anti-mutant activist Lydia Nance.[133] During this time, Rogue's romance with Gambit reignited when Kitty sent them undercover to couples' therapy, at the Paraíso Island Retreat Center, where Charmaine's powers forced them to confront the events of their past from each other's point of view.[134]

Not long afterwards, Kitty and Colossus held a wedding ceremony after becoming engaged; however, Kitty backed down at the last second and left Piotr at the altar. During the would-be reception, Gambit became inspired by Storm's words on marriage, and decided to propose to Rogue on the spot. She accepted, and they were married shortly afterwards by the rabbi hired to officiate the marriage that was originally planned for that day.[1]

The newlyweds had an eventful honeymoon, with their marital bliss being interrupted by a mission in space to rescue Charles Xavier's alien daughter Xandra from the Shi'ar Empire's Imperial Guard and the Technet, a team-up with Spiral against Mojo, a team up with Carol Danvers against the Nuclear Man, and a fight against Candra of the Thieves Guild. However, these adventures would also grant Rogue control over her powers.[28][135]


After the foundation of the mutant state on Krakoa, Rogue and Gambit would join the latest iteration of the England-based Excalibur, which would now operate to manage relations between Krakoa, the United Kingdom, and Otherworld.

Rogue would spend a while in a coma due to the complications of a spell cast by Apocalypse, but after being awoken, she would go on numerous adventures with the team, helping to defeat shapeshifter and mutant-hater Cullen Bloodstone, hunt a pack of Warwolves, replace the realm of Avalon's monarch Morgan Le Fay with a Krakoan puppet, Jamie Braddock, and fight against the threats of the Coven Akkaba, Malice, and Saturnyne.[136] However, she would leave the team after being voted onto Krakoa's new X-Men team.[137]

Krakoan Ambassadors[]

This new team's objective was to return to their original purpose as superheroes, operating across the world to help the nation of Krakoa gain respect on the international scale. The team would face intergalactic crimelord Cordyceps Jones, the cosmic threat of the Annihilation Wave, demented geneticist High Evolutionary, and anti-mutant schemer Doctor Stasis, greatly helping mutantkind's image across the world. However, Rogue would not be on this team for very long, and would leave it at the end of the third Hellfire Gala.[138]

After leaving the X-Men and receiving directions from Destiny, Rogue and Gambit would travel to Nevada to try and recruit mutant teleporter and former Avenger Manifold, with Destiny's visions seeing him as key to mutantkind's future. Anna-Marie and Remy would help Manifold investigate the kidnapping of numerous superhumans by former Excalibur nemesis Reuben Brousseau and Ant-Man villain Power Broker. After Manifold himself was kidnapped by the two criminals (who wanted to sell superpowered slaves to the highest bidder), the couple would find themselves at odds with the Black Panther, Forge, and a handful of kidnapped and enslaved supervillains, before eventually freeing the villains and bring Manifold to Destiny, who would place him in suspended animation until the opportune time.[139]

Fall of X[]

As the anti-mutant terrorist group struck against mutantkind, killing many and exiling most others to the White Hot Room, Captain America would invite Rogue to join an all-new iteration of the Avengers Unity Division, set on apprehending his evil duplicate who had taken over the United States and dissolved the Unity Division years prior after he perpetrated terrorist attacks while masquerading as Captain Krakoa (an identity formerly worn by Cyclops). The new Unity Division would be successful in stopping Captain Krakoa and his new Mutant Liberation Front, and its mutant members would later retrieve Manifold and join the X-Men in their final assault on Orchis.[140][141]


Power Grid[176]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Master: All Forms of Combat:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Some Training:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/Virtually Unlimited:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/None:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Virtually Indestructible:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Superhuman:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Warp:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Supersonic:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Incalculable:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Superhuman (25-75 ton):Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Omniscient:Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Learned


Rogue is a mutant.[14]

Power, Life-Force and Memory Absorption: Rogue can absorb the powers, energies, memories, knowledge, talents, personality, and physical abilities (whether superhuman or not) of another human being (or members of some sentient alien races) through physical contact of her skin with the skin of the other person. She is not limited to absorbing superhuman abilities: for example, she has absorbed the strength, agility, and sharp reflexes of an enhanced human. She can also absorb psionic abilities. In absorbing another person's memories Rogue also gains the emotional responses connected to them. For the transfer of abilities to be accomplished, Rogue’s skin must contact the skin of her victim. Rogue can only absorb abilities and memories from living organic beings. She can possess the powers of several superhuman persons at once. No upper limit has yet been determined for the number of superhuman beings whose power she can maintain simultaneously, or for the amount of power that she can absorb.[142] Rogue can even absorb gross physical characteristics from a victim. Her physical appearance does not change when she absorbs abilities and memories from a normal looking human being. The victim's abilities and memories are absorbed for a time sixty times longer than the period of time Rogue was in physical contact with that person. Those touched are rendered unconscious by contact with her, though some beings, including Juggernaut and Mojo have resisted this effect. While for most of her life, her use of this power was involuntary, Rogue gained full control over it due to Xavier purging her barriers in her subconscious.[143]

This transfer is usually temporary, lasting for a period of time relative to how long contact is maintained, but the transfer may become permanent in certain cases. For example, she absorbed Ms. Marvel's powers permanently due to unknown reasons (Ms. Marvel's strange mix of human and Kree DNA may have had something to do with it)[14] and she absorbed Sunfire's powers permanently when she absorbed the last of his life force by accident.[144] Most often the process happens instantly when Rogue touches someone, but in certain instances where a being has possessed an extraordinary level of power they are able to resist her, and she may only share part of their memories and power.[145][146]

Her power is potentially lethal. Her flirtation, Cody Robbins, was in a comatose state for roughly a decade after her powers first manifested when they touched. He never fully awakened, and finally passed on instead of remaining on life support;[56] however, Rogue has never actually killed with her powers; even under the influence of Strain 88, she only sent victims into a permanent vegetative state.[88]

As Rogue is absorbing the total psyche of a person, there is a risk of a personality overwhelming her and taking control of her body, including Spiral and Mr. Sinister who both proved to be the dominant personality. It has also been shown that even though Rogue forgets the memories she has absorbed when a psyche returns to its body, 'echoes' of their personalities remain buried in her mind.[5]

Rogue is able to absorb psyches and abilities of several beings at once, though the experience can be confusing and disorienting for her.[147]

Robotic beings are mostly immune to her power. Depending on the number of organics left, she can usually affect cyborgs.[6] She seems able to affect techno-organic beings. Powerful enough beings can withstand her touch and attempt to impose their own will on her or cause a feedback loop. Rogue's power has grown over time. Initially she was unable to absorb the powers of Wonder Man, a being a living ionic energy;[14] however, now she can absorb him.[148]

Although she is capable of absorbing his powers, Colossus in metal form was able to make physical contact with her with no ill effects;[149] however, Rogue has shown the ability to absorb him while he was in metal form at various other times.[150]

Power Enhancements[]

Rogue's powers were greatly enhanced by Pandemic via Strain 88, making the effects of her touch instantly permanent and all-consuming.[151] Her powers returned to their normal levels after the mutant baby touches her in X-Men: Messiah Complex. This also returned her mental status to normal, as the baby purged all previous templates and mental impressions from her being.[96] It appears after the events in X-Men: Legacy #224 that Rogue is now able to voluntarily use her powers, now kissing Gambit and not hurting him or absorbing his powers. This appears to be because, before Professor Xavier helped her break them down, her power had formed many mental walls within her mind every time she used her abilities. As such her powers were crippled in their development freezing them in their nascent stage which severely limited Rogue's control. Yet when she, Gambit and Danger fought Ares in Utopia, her power absorption was still strong enough to weaken Ares to some level for Gambit to give the final blow, hinting that she can finally control her touch to be very deadly for enemies without hurting her friends. She later uses the much more debilitating version of her powers against the Avengers during her fight with the Avengers to defend Jean Grey School from Avengers' invasion, even making Falcon and She-Hulk immediately unconscious without any negative feedback on herself (besides the green skin from She-Hulk), stealing their powers and rendering them unconscious for quite a long time as she stated herself as "so it's time to get old school."[152]

A new twist in Rogue's powers consists of prompting her victims of skin-to-skin contact, for a consent on the process. Rogue's victim can either resist the absorption and suffer, like originally with Rogue's powers, or instead submit to the absorption, and so the process instead becomes entirely fluent without consequences. Rogue has used this twist extensively in the Legacy series; just two examples of it are when aiding the victims of a subway collapse absorbing all rescuers' abilities,[111] and also when quenching a riot in a prison of mutants absorbing the existence of some mutant-volunteers.[153]

Rogue now retains the powers and very essence of Wonder Man meaning that she and can no longer freely touch others with her power.[154] While she originally retained the consciousness of Simon Williams, the Master Scientist later removed it.[124]

Wonder Man's Powers: Currently, Rogue seemingly still retains some of Wonder Man powers and abilities even though he has been released from her body, possibly permanently.[155] Assuming a 1:1 comparison between their two power levels, she may possess the following:

  • Ionic Energy Form: The tissue and bones of her entire body presumably have now been augmented in strength and to a certain extent. She is now composed of organic matter that is permeated with this form of energy.[156]
  • Superhuman Strength: Presumably possesses vast superhuman strength, the limits of which aren't known, and she is listed as Class 100.
  • Superhuman Speed: She can presumably run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athletes.
  • Superhuman Stamina: Her ionic body presumably grants her unlimited stamina and is therefore immune to fatigue.
  • Superhuman Durability: Her bodily tissues are presumably much harder and far more resistant to physical injury than the bodily tissues of a normal human. Rogue is thus presumably highly resistant to penetration wounds, even from high caliber machine gun shells. She can also presumably withstand tremendous impact forces, such as falling from great heights or being repeatedly struck by superhumanly strong opponents, without being hurt. She is also presumably resistant to extremes in temperature. Despite her great resistance to damage she is not completely invulnerable and the explosion of a nuke is potentially lethal to her.[157]
  • Superhuman Agility: Her agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all presumably enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athletes.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: Rogue reflexes are presumably similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athletes.
  • Flight: Rogue is able to fly through the air at great speeds, the exact limit of which isn't known; however, she can presumably now fly at speeds in excess of 700 mph.
  • Immortality (presumably): Rogue is now presumably functionally immortal. Because of the ionic energy that empowers her, she presumably no longer ages and is immune to disease and infection. This same energy presumably sustains Rogue's physical vitality far more efficiently than the biochemical process that sustain ordinary human life. As a result, she presumably no longer requires food, water, or oxygen.

After her marriage to Remy in place of Kitty and Colossus' aborted wedding, Anna had her powers jump started again by the daughter of Shi'ar Empress Lilandra and mutant activist Professor X Xandra via telepathy.[158]

She now has the power to leech away both the abilities and life energy of others from a good distance away, eliminating the need to touch enemies to swipe their abilities and memories.[159]

Much like her regular abilities, these new powers were beyond her control. Rogue would randomly absorb raw energy from everyone around her with no real means of reining it in. At their most unfocused, the absorption would kill anyone she got too close to, leaving them a withered husk before reducing them to ashes in the wind.[160]

With the help of Spiral's Mojoworld device taking Anna Marie into her own subconscious, she discovered that she'd been inhibiting control of her own abilities in the back of her mind out of fear.[161] After realizing this, Rogue learned to turn her siphoning abilities, both tactile and remote, on and off at will once again.[162]


Rogue has displayed acrobatic skills she apparently learned from Gambit while they both recovered from fighting Vargas. Rogue can also speak fluent French, and while on an alien world, proved to be an excellent swordsman, having been taught by her brother Nightcrawler. Rogue's skills also depend on who she has recently absorbed. Rogue could formerly draw upon the combat and espionage training of Carol Danvers by granting control of her body to her alternate personality, a duplicate of Danvers'.[5]



Rogue formerly wore a pair of ruby quartz sunglasses to avoid accidentally harming anyone with optic blasts when she absorbed Cyclops' power.[168]



  • According to Operation Zero Tolerance's Rogue sub-file 100349, at the time Anna Marie was twelve years old, she was attacked by a monster calling itself "Rogue", who absorbed her then took her appearance. An hologram of this event was witnessed by the Gambit in Bastion's fortress, but as other holograms witnessed by the X-Men, it was decided to stand on the belief that they were nothing else than ways to disturb them.[172]
  • Steve Rogers considered that Rogue would be a great asset to any team as leader or second-in-command, and would benefit teams of new generation heroes like the Runaways or the Young Masters, and that she would be the perfect candidate to lead the Thunderbolts if Luke Cage was to step down from that position.[173] He would later make her leader of the Avengers Unity Division.[27]


  • Rogue is known as "Malicia" in French, "Titania" in Latin American Spanish, "Pícara" in European Spanish, "Vampira" in Portuguese, "Шельма" in Russian (also "Руж" in X-Men: Evolution and Wolverine and the X-Men (animated series)), Vadóc in Hungarian, and was known as "Parasit" in Danish and "Ruda" in Polish.
  • The issue in which Rogue joins the X-Men Uncanny X-Men #171 was voted the 49th greatest Marvel Comic of all time.
  • Rogue was #5 on IGN's Top Twenty-Five X-Men list, and #4 on their Top Ten X-Babes list and #3 on Marvel's list of Top 10 Toughest Females for 2009 and was given title of #1 X-Man on CBR's Top 50 X-Men of All Time for 2008.
  • Depending on the writer, Rogue's dialogue usually has 'I' replaced with 'Ah' to emphasize her southern accent. This is not the case all the time, however.
  • Rogue reflects the stereotype of a southern belle, a woman in the South who is beautiful, flirtatious, yet chaste.
  • Rogue's absorption of Genis-Vell's cosmic powers during House of M #7 was meant to be a long-lasting consequence of House of M; however, the X-Men-related books weren't interested in following this plot point, so the power upgrade only lasted as long as House of M.[174]

See Also

Links and References


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 X-Men: Gold (Vol. 2) #30
  2. Uncanny X-Men #210
  3. X-Treme X-Men #33
  4. 4.0 4.1 Rogue (Vol. 3) #2
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Uncanny X-Men #236
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Rom #31
  7. X-Men: Legacy #236
  8. 8.0 8.1 Uncanny X-Men #355
  9. Mr. and Mrs. X
  10. Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #11
  11. Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #12
  12. 12.0 12.1 Uncanny X-Men #203
  13. 13.0 13.1 Uncanny X-Men #227
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 Avengers Annual #10
  15. Rogue #2
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 X-Men Unlimited #4
  17. 17.0 17.1 X-Men Forever #2
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Classic X-Men #44
  19. 19.0 19.1 Marvel Super-Heroes (Vol. 2) #11
  20. 20.0 20.1 Uncanny X-Men #171
  21. Uncanny X-Men #173
  22. Uncanny X-Men #269
  23. X-Men (Vol. 2) #103
  24. 24.0 24.1 X-Men (Vol. 2) #192
  25. 25.0 25.1 X-Treme X-Pose #2
  26. 26.0 26.1 Uncanny Avengers #4
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 3) #1
  28. 28.0 28.1 Mr. and Mrs. X #112
  29. Excalibur (Vol. 4) #121
  30. X-Men (Vol. 5) #21
  31. X-Men (Vol. 2) #93
  32. Rogue #1
  33. Uncanny X-Men #141
  34. Uncanny X-Men #158
  35. Dazzler #22
  36. Dazzler #23
  37. Dazzler #24
  38. Dazzler #28
  39. Uncanny X-Men #172178
  40. Uncanny X-Men #182
  41. Uncanny X-Men #184185
  42. Uncanny X-Men #194
  43. X-Men Annual #10
  44. Uncanny X-Men #217222
  45. Uncanny X-Men #225227
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 Uncanny X-Men #229
  47. Uncanny X-Men #235238
  48. Uncanny X-Men #236239
  49. Uncanny X-Men #239240
  50. Uncanny X-Men #244
  51. Uncanny X-Men #246247
  52. Uncanny X-Men #269275
  53. Uncanny X-Men #278280
  54. Rogue & Gambit #2
  55. X-Men (Vol. 2) #34
  56. 56.0 56.1 Rogue #4
  57. Uncanny X-Men #387
  58. X-Treme X-Men #13
  59. 59.0 59.1 X-Treme X-Men #18
  60. X-Treme X-Men #19
  61. X-Treme X-Men #31
  62. X-Treme X-Men #32
  63. X-Treme X-Men #3334
  64. X-Treme X-Men #35
  65. X-Treme X-Men #36
  66. X-Treme X-Men #40
  67. X-Treme X-Men #41
  68. X-Treme X-Men #42
  69. X-Treme X-Men #43
  70. X-Treme X-Men #44
  71. X-Treme X-Men #45
  72. X-Treme X-Men #46
  73. X-Men (Vol. 2) #157160
  74. X-Men (Vol. 2) #161164
  75. Rogue (Vol. 3) #16
  76. X-Men (Vol. 2) #166170
  77. Rogue (Vol. 3) #712
  78. X-Men (Vol. 2) #171174
  79. X-Men (Vol. 2) #188
  80. X-Men (Vol. 2) #189
  81. X-Men (Vol. 2) #190
  82. X-Men (Vol. 2) #191
  83. X-Men (Vol. 2) #193
  84. X-Men Annual (Vol. 3) #1
  85. X-Men (Vol. 2) #194
  86. X-Men (Vol. 2) #196
  87. X-Men (Vol. 2) #197
  88. 88.0 88.1 X-Men (Vol. 2) #199
  89. X-Men (Vol. 2) #200
  90. X-Men (Vol. 2) #202
  91. X-Men (Vol. 2) #203
  92. X-Men (Vol. 2) #204
  93. X-Men (Vol. 2) #205
  94. X-Factor (Vol. 3) #27
  95. New X-Men (Vol. 2) #46
  96. 96.0 96.1 96.2 X-Men (Vol. 2) #207
  97. X-Men: Legacy #215
  98. X-Men: Legacy #220222
  99. X-Men: Legacy #222
  100. X-Men: Legacy #223224
  101. X-Men: Legacy #226227
  102. X-Men: Legacy #228229
  103. X-Men: Legacy #248258
  104. X-Men: Regenesis #1
  105. X-Men: Legacy #266
  106. X-Men: Legacy #267
  107. X-Men: Legacy #270
  108. X-Men: Legacy #271
  109. X-Men: Legacy #272
  110. X-Men: Legacy #273
  111. 111.0 111.1 X-Men: Legacy #274
  112. Avengers vs. X-Men #1112
  113. Uncanny Avengers #1
  114. Uncanny Avengers #2
  115. Uncanny Avengers #3
  116. Uncanny Avengers #14
  117. Uncanny Avengers #17
  118. Uncanny Avengers #18.NOW
  119. Uncanny Avengers #20
  120. 120.0 120.1 Uncanny Avengers #21
  121. Uncanny Avengers #22
  122. Uncanny Avengers #23
  123. Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #17
  124. 124.0 124.1 Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 2) #1
  125. Avengers (Vol. 6) #0
  126. Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 3) #2122
  127. Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 3) #2425
  128. Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 3) #2730
  129. Avengers #675690
  130. Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 4) #18
  131. Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 4) #812
  132. Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 4) #12
  133. X-Men: Gold (Vol. 2) #23
  134. Rogue & Gambit #15
  135. Captain Marvel (Vol. 10) #45
  136. Excalibur (Vol. 4) #120
  137. Excalibur (Vol. 4) #21
  138. X-Men (Vol. 6) #112
  139. Rogue & Gambit (Vol. 2) #15
  140. Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 4) #15
  141. Fall of the House of X #4
  142. Uncanny Avengers #2122
  143. X-Men: Legacy #224
  144. Rogue (Vol. 3) #11
  145. Uncanny X-Men #304
  146. X-Men: Legacy #226
  147. Uncanny X-Men #516
  148. Uncanny Avengers #5
  149. X-Men (Vol. 2) #100
  150. Uncanny X-Men #247
  151. X-Men (Vol. 2) #198199
  152. X-Men: Legacy #266267
  153. X-Men: Legacy #275
  154. Uncanny Avengers #2223
  155. Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 3) #23
  156. Rogue absorbed Wonder Man in Uncanny Avengers #21-22, retaining his essence until he was finally freed in Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 3) #22-23, though she continued to retain at least some degree of his powers thereafter.
  157. Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 4) #5
  158. Mr. and Mrs. X #5
  159. Captain Marvel (Vol. 10) #4
  160. Mr. and Mrs. X #8
  161. Mr. and Mrs. X #9
  162. Mr. and Mrs. X #10
  163. 163.0 163.1 163.2 163.3 163.4 163.5 163.6 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #15
  164. Uncanny X-Men #192
  165. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (Vol. 2) #10
  166. X-Men Annual #9
  167. Uncanny X-Men #388
  168. 168.0 168.1 X-Treme X-Men #1
  169. Rogue (Vol. 3) #1112
  170. Excalibur (Vol. 4) #56
  171. X-Men (Vol. 2) #1
  172. X-Men: Declassified #1
  173. Heroic Age: Heroes #1
  174. Cronin, Brian (7 January 2016) Comic Book Legends: Did Rogue Nearly Become a Cosmic Hero? CBR. Retrieved on 7 January 2016.
  175. Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 3) #28 Trading Card Variant
  176. File:Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 28 Trading Card Wraparound Variant.jpg