Marvel Database

Cyttorak also known the Destroyer, Lord of Oblivion, and Master of the Raging Storm,[2] is an immensely powerful extra-dimensional being hailing from the Crimson Cosmos. He was worshiped as a God and a Demon by the primitive humans of Earth. This lasted until he was banished to his home dimension.[1] To further destructive power he would select a person as his avatar, enhancing them to become the unstoppable Juggernaut.[2]



1,000 years ago, Cyttorak participated in the Wager of the Octessence, a contest between himself, Watoom, Valtorr, Balthakk, Farallah, Ikonn, Krakkan, and Raggadorr, to determine which of them was the most powerful. Each being would use a magical artifact to create avatars out of the first human to touch it. Once one human had been transformed, others would be drawn to the remaining artifacts. These humans, called Exemplars, would conquer humanity and fight each other to the death until only one was left standing. Whoever's avatar was left standing would be the winner. Cyttorak created the Crimson Gem as his artifact and placed it in his temple in what would one day become Korea, guarded by a demon called Xorak.[8] Centuries ago, an order of monks attempted to summon Cyttorak to Earth but mistakenly summoned his destructive aspect instead. A pair of rival sorcerers, Gomurr and Tar, succeeded in sealing this aspect within the Crimson Gem.[9]

First Juggernaut[]

Centuries ago, a Korean man touched the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak and was transformed into the Juggernaut, Cyttorak's agent on Earth. He caused chaos destroying his own village.[1]

Jin Taiko[]

When the nearby village began to worship elsewhere, Cyttorak took one of the resident named Jin Taiko and gave him the power of the Juggernaut. He told him to destroy the village and kill everyone around. Taiko's refused and he went out to find his replacement.[10]

Cain Marko[]

Cyttorak would occasionally send the Crimson Gem into the outside world, transforming any who came into contact with it into the Juggernaut. It is believed that due to Gomurr and Tar's manipulation of the Gem, other Exemplars were not created.[11] Charles Xavier and his step-brother Cain Marko were serving in Korea during a police action. Marko fled enemy shelling and hid in a cave. Xavier, not wanting to see his step-brother jailed for desertion, went after him. Once inside, Marko found the Crimson Gem. The educated Xavier recognized the cave as the Temple of Cyttorak and warned Marko not to touch it. However, Marko disobeyed and grabbed the gem, transforming him into the Juggernaut.[12][13][14] Marko killed Taiko and then slaughtered his village for Cyttorak.[10]

War of the Seven Spheres[]

[15] Cyttorak was one of many beings who tried to recruit Doctor Strange.[16]

Hongdo Park[]

New Excalibur Vol 1 14 Textless

Cyttorak found a new avatar to become the Juggernaut named Hongdo Park, a Seoul worker who is on a losing streak and ready to try anything.[1] Cyttorak brought a weakened Marko to his temple and sent his guards to confront him.[17] Marko entered the temple and attempted to renew his powers by making contact with the ruby, but Cyttorak formed a mysterious barrier around the gem. Cyttorak then summoned Hongdo to challenge Marko who will either prove his worth or die and be replaced. Marko tried to avoid him and begged Cyttorak to let him own the gem, but Cyttorak refused, telling him that his brother was his intended recipient years ago.[1] Cyttorak taunted Marko, knowing he is his second choice, but then admitted that his anger and hatred make him a powerful and perfect agent of destruction. Hongdo then attacked him with his sword and injured him, but Marko then took the sword in his hand to break it and stabbed him with it. Cyttorak urged Marko to kill his potential replacement and restore his lost status, but Marko paused before the rest of the Excalibur arrived. Cyttorak shared with them how Marko, under Cyttorak's leadership, killed his predecessor and slaughtered his village. Excalibur left Marko in the temple and he hard the ruby once again.[10]

World War Hulk[]

When the Hulk attacked the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, the Juggernaut contacted Cyttorak using ruby, promising to rampage and destroy once again if he gave him the power to reach the Hulk. He opened a magical portal and sent Marko there, but the Hulk beat him with ease. He contacted Cyttorak again and he reminded him that he was an avatar of destruction and would limit himself by focusing on helping his brother. Marko told Cyttorak that he wanted to destroy the Hulk and prove to the world that he was still a Juggernaut, Cyttorak told him he had to fully accept his true nature and would not look back. Now, the Juggernaut in full armor goes head-to-head with the Hulk matching every punch, but Professor X distracted him and warned him that their fight was destroying mansion's foundation, so the Hulk avoided him and sent him flying into a nearby lake. On his return the Hulk and got away.[18]

Skrull Invasion[]

When the Skrulls invaded Otherworld to take its magic for themselves, Oberon decided to close all Doorways as to prevent the Skrulls from using Avalon as a bridgehead. They open door releasing various demons including Cyttorak on to Otherworld.[19]

Fear Itself[]

Piotr Rasputin (Earth-616) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 543 001

There's a new Juggernaut in town

When the Juggernaut was transformed into Kuurth, Cyttorak believed he finally started acting as Cyttorak had always wished him to. However, Kuurth served the Serpent, not Cyttorak. Magik revealed this to the crimson being, who became enraged, and offered him to chose a new avatar, so Cyttorak took his power back from Marko. Magik intended to become the new avatar herself, but Colossus intercepted, becoming the new Juggernaut instead, much to the displeasure of Kitty Pryde, Piotr's girlfriend at the time.[20]

Devil's Advocacy[]

When the Serpent awakened, the Devil's Advocacy was packed with demons including Cyttorak trying to sit on Satan's empty throne.[21]


After becoming the host of the Phoenix Force, Colossus asked Cyttorak to release him just as he did with Cain when he began serving another. Cyttorak refused, stating that Colossus was his favorite avatar in over thousands of years because he engaged in destructive battles constantly, while Cain, as a villain, would spend most of his time hiding from heroes and only provided short bursts of destruction and stated that the Phoenix Force itself is a force of destruction which makes their goals similar to one another. Cyttorak then gave his blessing to his avatar to keep doing what he does. Colossus tried to force Cyttorak to release him by using the Phoenix Force, but Cyttorak stated that within their own realms demon lords were outside of the natural order, and merely returned Colossus to Earth.[22]

The Once and Future Juggernaut[]

Colossus was eventually freed from Cyttorak's influence by his sister Magik.[23] It wasn't long before Cyttorak sent his gem back to Earth where it appeared in a temple in Thailand dedicated to Cyttorak.[24] The gem drew various people to claim its power, including Cyttorak's former avatars Cain Marko and Colossus. The X-Men went to the temple to prevent this from happening. However, they were unable to prevent the Living Monolith from claiming the gem and becoming the new Juggernaut.[25] Needing to stop the Monolith, Colossus met with Cyttorak and tried to coerce him into giving him enough power to kill Cyttorak himself so they could fight to the death. Instead, Cyttorak chose to make Marko the Juggernaut once again and give him even more power than before.[26]


Power Grid[31]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Experienced Fighter:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/Virtually Unlimited:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Virtually Indestructible:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Warp:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Incalculable:Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Learned


Cyttorak exists as a deity with enormous magical power. His powers are such he can lend the use of such past dimensions via avatars and spells that invoke his name including the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak.




  • Cyttorak has formed a number of elf-like beings which worship him.[2]


See Also

Links and References

