Marvel Database

Quote1 And that's when I knew who Silver Sable really was. Incredibly brave. One of the most dangerous fighters I've ever seen... but she only pretended to be all about the money... because sometimes she put it all on the line for love. Quote2


Early Life[]

Silver's father was a Nazi hunter, considered to be the best in Europe, even working alongside James Howlett, simply known as "the Canadian" at the time. His wife was murdered when the home he shared with his wife and daughter was bombed. Silver begged her father to train her, so she could avenge her mother's murder, and though he tried his best to discourage her, he soon realized her potential, and she soon began joining him on hunts. After his death, she assumed command of the Wild Pack, and became founder and owner of Silver Sable International.[citation needed]


She met Spider-Man while trailing the Black Fox. Working with the New York City police, to apprehended him. He attempted to sell a valuable diamond to his fence, André Bullion, only to be interrupted by the sudden arrival of the police. As the Black Fox made his daring escape, he found himself pursued not only by law enforcement but also by a van of armed men. Spider-Man intervened, engaging the armed men who were targeting the Black Fox. Despite his efforts, Spider-Man was chastised by Lt. Kris Keating for disrupting a joint operation between the N.Y.P.D. and the Symkarian government to capture the international thief. Silver Sable concerned about the interference and potential cost overruns, she was informed of Spider-Man's involvement by her uncle, Mortimer. Spider-Man found himself pursued by a helicopter belonging to the Wild Pack. Following the helicopter's movements, Spider-Man discovered the Black Fox's location and attempted to apprehend him. However, the Black Fox managed to escape, only to be cornered by the Wild Pack, prompting Spider-Man to intervene once more. Despite conflicting feelings, Spider-Man assisted the Black Fox in escaping the Wild Pack's clutches, empathizing with the thief's plight to support his family. As the Black Fox made his getaway, Spider-Man ensured that the stolen jewels were returned to Silver Sable, earning her interest in the masked hero.[9]

The two have since worked together on a few occasions.[10] She has also worked with Paladin,[11] Puma,[12] Solo,[13] Hawkeye,[14] and the Sandman.[15]

Sable was at one point married to the criminal Foreigner. She turned against him after learning that he was responsible for the death of her uncle Fritz.[16]

Silver Sable International was later hired by a small Southern African country to neutralize the international terrorist Jason Macendale, who at the time was operating under the guise of the Jack O'Lantern) and was suspected of training rebel forces within the country's borders. An initial team of Wild Pack members was ambushed by Macendale's men and nearly killed, leading Silver Sable to enlist aid from Spider-Man.[17] During the course of these events, Sable witnessed a daylight robbery that resulted in the death of a young woman, an innocent bystander, accompanied by her young son. The woman's death struck a responsive chord in Sable, and she dropped her other activities to hunt down the killer. His trail led to an abandoned building, where Jack O'Lantern chose to attack Sable and her men. During the final confrontation, her choice to capture the killer enabled Jack O'Lantern to escape.[18]

Spider-Man then agreed to help Silver capture Jack O'Lantern. They tracked him to Coney Island Amusement Park, only to be ambushed by the group of costumed criminals called the Sinister Syndicate (composed of the Beetle, the Rhino, Hydro-Man, Boomerang, and the Speed Demon), who were hired to kill Macendale's pursuers. The villains nearly succeeded, but were stopped at the last minute by the Sandman, who allowed Sable and Spider-Man to escape. After a long battle, the three managed to defeat the criminals, but no evidence was found to help them locate Jack O'Lantern.[19]

Other heroes and reformed minor villains occasionally worked for Silver Sable International on occasion,[12] however, after a series of failures, and with her Wild Pack increasingly disappointing and compromised, Sable disbanded the organisation and was planning on going into retirement until she got a lead on the traitors within the Pack. She quickly teamed up with Dominic Fortune and together they stopped the sleeper assassin scheme that the former Wild Pack soldiers were involved in.[20]


After the Symkarian revolution, Sable personally bought the then-abandoned Symkarian embassy in New York City with the intent to return it to her people when the time came and used it as her base of operations in the meantime.[1]

At the time, Sable was bringing international mobsters in alive to the Interpol for questioning. Unfortunately for her, her prey was murdered by the time she arrived at the scene, baring the insignia of the ninja clan known as the Hand as a result of Daredevil having assumed leadership and directing forces across Hell's Kitchen. Outraged at having her mission compromised, Silver personally investigated the murder, eventually bringing her into contact with bionic private investigator Misty Knight, Darkforce-wielding vigilante Shroud, and mercenary Paladin, all of whom were investigating similar murders throughout the city.[21] Silver's contacts in Symkarian intelligence and American espionage eventually deduced the murders were in fact committed by an angry policemen masquerading as a Hand ninja - a conclusion Misty also came to when the officers in question arranged for her to be attacked in the street. Together the four heroes put a stop to the crooked policemen's scheme and turned their attention towards the larger problem of Shadowland itself.[22]

Peter Parker (Earth-616) and Silvija Sablinova (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 679 001

Silver Sable gives Spider-Man a "reward"

Ends of the Earth[]

Sometime afterwards, the Flag-Smasher tried to disrupt a Symkarian Pride Parade in New York with a nuclear bomb, but was stopped by Silver Sable and Spider-Man. She kissed Peter as a reward for deactivating the bomb, on behalf of Symkaria.[23]

When Doctor Octopus tried to destroy the world, Silver saved Spider-Man and Black Widow from the Sinister Six. Making their way to the final battle, Sable flirted with Spider-Man and almost admitted her feelings for him, but he refused to talk about it, telling her about Mary Jane Watson. Together with Spidey, Sable rushed to Octavius' underwater base only to be stopped by the Rhino. The unmovable villain gripped her to the floor, promising not to move while the water level rose. Sable ordered Spider-Man to leave her behind and pursue Doc Ock on his own.[24] By activating her suit's stealth coating, Sable tricked Rhino into thinking she had vanished, giving her the advantage necessary to break free. However, she had been very seriously injured from her fight with Rhino. She was unable to escape the base as it was destroyed and was badly burned. She was subsequently rescued by the Foreigner.[25]

Silvija Sablinova (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 33 001

Sable incapacitated

Working in the Shadows[]

From that point on, Sable used an android avatar given to her by the Foreigner[25] to hunt down her enemies one by one, taking advantage of the popular belief that she was dead to do so from the shadows. Unfortunately, the citizens of Symkaria were also affected by this deception, with their fear allowing the last living royal, Countess Karkov, to rise to power.[26] Karkov allied herself with Norman Osborn and exploited the resources of Symkaria, turning the country into a weapons-making war machine for Osborn's Goblin Army, enslaving Symkaria's people in the process.[27]

With the help of a new Wild Pack, Sable began to work from the shadows opposing Osborn and Karkov's plans. While trying to assassinate Osborn in a charity event in Hong Kong, Sable came face-to-face with Spider-Man.[28] Silver Sable and Spider-Man formed an alliance once again, in order to take down both of their enemies.[27]

Prior to Dark Carnage's attack, Vulpe Communications had hired Sable International as private security. When symbiote-possessed Spider-Man and Dan Andrews attacked Vulpe Communications' building, right during a conversation between the company's publisher Dave Herb and J. Jonah Jameson, Silver Sable and her squad came to stop them. However, the symbiote-possessed individuals fought back and escaped, with Spider-Man removing his symbiote, causing it to bond to a wounded Jameson while Sable was away to get him medical help.[29]

Unfortunately for Sable, her condition began worsening to the point that she risked dying. As Karkov worked to regain control of Symkaria, Sable became desperate to fight her. The Foreigner decided to make a deal with the Chameleon to claim the Infinity Formula, hoping to use it in curing Sable. However, Spider-Man and his sister Teresa got in their way as the latter wished to kill Chameleon to avenge her lover. Fighting the Foreigner, the duo were then met with Sable on a life support who explained to them why she and Foreigner were collaborating with Chameleon. Teresa was against giving Sable the Infinity Formula, but eventually relented and let her have it.[30]

Back in Action[]

Returning to her full strength, Silver Sable became determined to bring down Countess Karkov. To this end, she decided to assist Doctor Doom in retaking control of Latveria after he was framed for a terrorist attack.[31] Sadly, this came at the cost of Symkaria losing its independency to Latveria as once Doom retook his throne he requested to conquer Sable's country in exchange for helping extinguish the black hole opened as result of the attack. Sable was forced to assist in the conquest of her own country, personally arresting her own father.[32]

Following Orchis' attack on Krakoa, the organization hired Sable and her squad in tracking down the remaining mutants on Earth. One of the targets she was set to go after was Nightcrawler who had been recently operating wearing a spare Spider-Man suit. In a turn of events, Sable became infatuated with the hero, starting a brief affair between them. This prompted Sable and her squad to turn on Orchis and assist Nightcrawler in freeing the Hounds.[33]


Power Grid[46]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Master: Several Forms of Combat:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/None:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Gifted


Indomitable Will: Silver Sable has an indomitable will. She has been shown resisting the worldwide psychic manipulation of the goddess to retain her sensibilities. She has also easily defied a telepath's attempt alter her mind by sheer force of will.[8]

Master Martial Artist: Silver Sable is an extraordinary hand-to-hand combatant and martial artist, an expert marksman and swordsman, and an accomplished gymnast. She is also an accomplished leader and strategist, capable of rapidly assessing the strengths and weaknesses of her foes. Her strength, speed, durability, and reflexes are exceptional for a human and she managed to stalemate The Punisher by withstanding his blows and using her quicker reflexes.[34]

Multilingual: Initially said to know seven languages,[35] Silver Sable has been seen speaking fluent English, French,[36][37] German, Italian, Japanese,[37] Russian,[38][37] Somali[8][37] and Symkarian.[37]

Silver Sable can also windsurf[39] and uses meditation forms to resist mind control.[40]


Despite nearing the peak of human physical and mental ability, Silver Sable is still only human. She must constantly watch for knives and gunfire, and can be easily overwhelmed by a truly superhuman opponent.[citation needed]



Silver Sable's costumes often have a protective Kevlar lining.[37] After being incapacitated in Ends of the Earth Silver began to use a Life-Model Decoy as avatar.[25]


Silver Sable often carries 'chai' throwing daggers, a taser, custom-made guns and a sword. She has access to nearly any weapon she would need for a mission.[37]


Jet pack.[37]


  • Silver Sable outfits the Wild Pack with the best equipment and technology available. She has considerable financial resources and is able to hire specialized assistance, offer full compensation for damages caused by her employees in the course of a contract, and provide full benefits to her employees.[citation needed]
  • Silver Sable also conducts a number of diplomatic missions, including occasional visits with Doctor Doom in nearby Latveria.[41]
  • Silver Sable very briefly had possession of the Crimson Cowl's cloak.[42]


  • Silver Sable's hair turned silver after witnessing the death of her mother.[43]
  • She considered Nightcrawler cute.[44]

See Also

Links and References


  1. 1.0 1.1 Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #3
  2. Webber, Tim (21 September 2023) Meet Silver Sable, a Mercenary with a Heart of Gold Retrieved on 15 May 2024.
  3. Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #4
  4. 4.0 4.1 Sable and Fortune #1
  5. Sable and Fortune #2
  6. Sable and Fortune #4
  7. Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #6
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #16
  9. Amazing Spider-Man #265
  10. Amazing Spider-Man #280
  11. Amazing Spider-Man #320321
  12. 12.0 12.1 Web of Spider-Man #50
  13. Amazing Spider-Man #323324
  14. Solo Avengers #36
  15. Amazing Spider-Man #281
  16. Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #1316
  17. Amazing Spider-Man #279280
  18. Amazing Spider-Man #279
  19. Amazing Spider-Man #280281
  20. Sable and Fortune #14
  21. Heroes for Hire (Vol. 3) #2
  22. Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #14
  23. Amazing Spider-Man #679
  24. Amazing Spider-Man #682687
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #33
  26. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #27
  27. 27.0 27.1 Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #26
  28. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #25
  29. Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #13
  30. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #3367
  31. Doctor Doom #5
  32. Doctor Doom #8
  33. Uncanny Spider-Man #15
  34. Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #10
  35. Marvel Fact Files #14
  36. Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #2
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 37.5 37.6 37.7 Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #1
  38. Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #13
  39. Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #8
  40. Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #14
  41. Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #4
  42. Thunderbolts #73
  43. Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #9
  44. Uncanny Spider-Man #1
  45. Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #36; Trading Card Variant
  46. File:Silver Sable and the Wild Pack Vol 1 36 Trading Card Wraparound Variant.jpg