Marvel Database

Quote1 There's something different in all of us, and nothing-- not a spell, big gloves, nothing-- can change that or take it away. We're all still mutants. Quote2

Jubilee is a mutant born with the ability to generate explosive energy blasts, often compared to "fireworks."[2][21] After being orphaned as a young teen, Jubilee ran away and survived as she could in a shopping mall in Beverly Hills,[22] by shoplifting and performing stunts. There, she was impressed by the mutant heroes known as the X-Men, deciding to follow them through a teleporting portal to their base in Australia, where she stayed secretly hidden for a long time.[2] At some point, Jubilee was forced to come out as the X-Men were attacked by the deadly Reavers. She rescued the brutal Wolverine with whom she formed a close bond as a sidekick and a pupil.[23] Her bravery and dedication soon got her a position in the X-Men.[24][25]

Throughout the years, Jubilee has represented a joyful character in mutant affairs. She carried her experience to the teenage mutant class called Generation X.[20] She eventually fell victim to the mutant decimation, losing her powers.[26] She rebranded herself as Wondra to defy the system against superheroes alongside other depowered mutants.[3] Another major change in her identity came as she was transformed by Xarus into a vampire.[27] Eventually saved by the X-Men, she rejoined their ranks having to cope with this dark existence.[28]

Despite being the most immature member of the X-Men at some point, Jubilee has since grown into a valued member of the team. Her progression has become evident as she adopted a boy she named Shogo, who she raises and protects in between her adventures as a super heroine[29][30] and as she has become a mentor figure at the Xavier Institute to pass on what she had learned to younger generations.[13] As of recent, Jubilee has been cured of her vampirism and had her mutant powers restored thanks to the efforts of a student of hers, Quentin Quire.[31] In the mutant-only nation of Krakoa, she operated in the diplomatic team Excalibur,[12] but most importantly keeps showing her cheerful personality and good humor.[32]



The daughter of two prosperous Hong Kong immigrants, Jubilation "Jubilee" Lee, was born and raised in Beverly Hills, California, and lived a charmed life. Jubilee attended an exclusive Beverly Hills school, where she discovered her great talent for gymnastics.[33]

Jubilee first discovered her mutant power to generate blinding and explosive energy "fireworks", while running away from mall security. The stress of running away from the security guards caused Jubilee to emit a large light energy blast while in a back alley. This completely disoriented the men and allowed the frightened young girl to escape.[21]

Her life changed completely in one night, when her parents were killed in a mysterious car accident, leaving Jubilee with no one to turn to.[34]

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Hiding in the X-Men Australian Base

Jubilee was then sent to an orphanage, but ran away and hid in a Hollywood shopping mall.[22] Frustrated with the young girl's rebellious nature and powerful light-shows, the mall security hired mutant hunters, known as the M-Squad, to capture her. Jubilee held her own by blasting the M-Squad's energy tractor beams, but she was eventually caught. Lucky for her, Jubilee was rescued by the X-Men Dazzler, Psylocke, Rogue, and Storm, who happened to be shopping at the mall. Curious about these strange women, she followed them for a while and later jumped into a portal after them.[2]

Meeting the X-Men[]

On the other side of the portal, Jubilee found herself at the X-Men's temporary base in the Australian outback. Jubilee stayed hidden and, while living in the underground base, the mutant known as Gateway was the only person aware of Jubilee's existence. During her stay in the base, Jubilee stowed away in Dazzler's quarters and found an immediate kinship, in the extent of Alison Blaire's wardrobe. Jubilee stole food and borrowed clothes from several of the X-Men to create a makeshift costume for herself.[35] Jubilee was present when Nanny and Orphan-Maker ambushed the X-Men at their base, but simply hid while the battle ensued.[36] Once while the X-Men were out, Jubilee was harassed and hounded by a Reaver guard dog that was left at the base. Jubilee stayed in hiding until the X-Men had abandoned the base, and their enemies the Reavers had captured Wolverine and taken over the base.[37]

While sneaking around the caverns in the outback base, Jubilee was startled to find Wolverine hung up on a cross and near death. Jubilee helped Wolverine get down from the cross, and nursed him back to health.[38] Together, they travelled to Hong Kong, where they learned that the Mandarin had consolidated his control over Hong Kong's criminal scene by allying himself with The Hand. As they investigated, they were ambushed and captured by Mandarin's prime assassin, Lady Mandarin. It was then revealed that Lady Mandarin was actually Psylocke, brainwashed and transferred into an Asian body. After Psylocke established a mental link with Wolverine upon attacking him with her psychic knife, the backlash of memories of the X-Men broke her free, leading the Mandarin's defeat. During this time, Jubilee held her own against The Hand and blew up a section of the Mandarin's castle with her powers.[39]

After hearing of mutants being attacked on the island nation of Genosha, the trio made their way there, meeting Boom Boom and Rictor, who had lost their powers. Jubilee was left taking care of the depowered mutants, while Wolverine and Psylocke infiltrated Cameron Hodge's Citadel. Despite some friction between them, the young mutants managed to avoid capture several times and make their own way into the citadel, where they joined the other X-teams for the final stand against Hodge.[40][41]

James Howlett (Earth-616), Jubilation Lee (Earth-616) and Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-616) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 271 001

Adventures with Wolverine

Upon returning to the United States, Jubilee joined Storm, Wolverine, Psylocke, Forge, Banshee, and Gambit as a member of the X-Men.[24] Although she accompanied them on many of their missions, they remained wary of placing her in harm's way because of her young age. When Wolverine was kidnapped by The Hand,[25] Jubilee argued that she should be allowed to help (as she had previously fought and defeated The Hand), and found an unlikely ally in Psylocke.[42] After run-ins with the Skrulls,[43] the Brood,[44] Omega Red,[25] and Mojo,[45] Jubilee was finally made to stay at the mansion by the X-Men due to her age.[14]

Jubilee and Wolverine grew a close father-daughter relationship with one another. Jubilee needed the guidance of a parent, while Wolverine needed the peace and joy of a child. The duo teamed up to fight Sabretooth,[46] Omega Red,[47] Sauron,[48] Sentinels, and even sought revenge on Reno and Molokai, who she believed had murdered of her parents.[49]

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When Professor X was almost killed by a villain named Stryfe, who appeared to be Cable, the X-Men were quick to suspect Cable of the deed.[50] It was Jubilee who persuaded the X-Men that he might not be the culprit, as no one knew what Stryfe really looked like, and he could therefore be disguised as Cable.[51] Once Professor X was cured and regained the use of his legs for a short time, Jubilee took him rollerblading to cheer him up. After spending some time bonding with him she realized that he wasn't the stuffy old man she took him for, and they grew closer. After his legs began to weaken, Jubilee helped him back into his wheelchair, realizing that just being there to help meant more to him than anything she could say.[52]

Back at the mansion, Jubilee became close friends with Colossus's little sister Illyana. When Illyana was diagnosed with the Legacy Virus, Jubilee spent all of her time at Illyana’s bedside. When Kitty Pryde arrived, Jubilee was jealous of her at first, because she was Wolverine's first sidekick, but the two soon formed a friendship. Despite all their attempts, the X-Men were unable to save Illyana. Jubilee took her death extremely hard, almost as bad as Colossus.[53] Several weeks later, after Magneto violently removed the Adamantium from Wolverine's skeleton, Logan decided to leave the X-Men, fearing that he was a liability to them. Knowing how much this would affect Jubilee, he wrote her a touching goodbye letter and left his favorite cowboy hat for her.[54] A short time later, Sabretooth was brought to the mansion by Professor X and held in captivity there.[55] Jubilee was terrified of him, and had nightmares of him killing the X-Men and leaving her for last. Attempting to get over her fears she began to bring food to Sabretooth, who taunted the poor girl mercilessly.[56] One night her nightmares almost came true when the mansion's security system went down and Sabretooth escaped from his cell. He hunted the X-Men throughout the mansion, but in the end it was Jubilee who took him down with a neutralizer pistol.[57]

With the other X-Men busy, Banshee was the only person to notice that Jubilee was having trouble coping with Wolverine's absence, as well as all that had happened to her since he left. When the Phalanx assimilated most of the X-Men, Jubilee and Banshee were forced to team up with Sabretooth and Emma Frost (who had recently awoken from a coma in the mansion's medical facility) to escape from them. This unusual group worked together to gather all the young mutants listed by Professor X as future allies. The Phalanx was later defeated thanks to the sacrifice of a young mutant girl named Blink.[58][59]

Generation X[]

Feeling that she needed a rest from the stresses at the mansion, Jubilee volunteered to join a new group of teenage mutants known as Generation X. The team was led by both Banshee and Emma Frost, and was comprised mainly of Jubilee, Husk, Synch, M, Chamber, Skin, and Penance.[60][20]

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Jubilee and the girls of Gen X

Both Banshee and Emma Frost educated the teenagers in school subjects as well as combat and field skills. Jubilee and the other mutant teens honed their unique abilities and occasionally battled minions such as the Juggernaut, Omega Red, and their arch-rival Emplate.[20][61][62][63] Time after time, Jubilee used her experience with the X-Men to help her teammates outsmart their enemies. On one occasion, Jubilee used her sarcasm when Emplate siphoned her powers so that he would become enraged enough to not have control over them, causing him to blast himself with Jubilee's energy blasts.[64] Another time, Jubilee blew up Proudstar Hall in order to defeat him. Her teammates survived the massive explosion, covered with an ice shield by Iceman.[65]

During her stay at the Massachusetts Academy, Jubilee was kidnapped and held hostage by Bastion during Operation: Zero Tolerance. She managed to resist his mental probes for a good amount of time, hiding valuable information on the X-Men. Jubilee staged an escape early on after being kidnapped, literally knocking several armed soldiers unconscious with a large plasma volley. Her innocence and morals led to her capture once more, as she decided to give CPR to one of the guards she injured. She eventually escaped with the help of Bastion's assistant Daria. While wandering the desert after her getaway, she was attacked by a Prime Sentinel and held her own by blasting his vision receptors.[66] She was saved at the last minute by Wolverine, who took her back to the X-Men until she was comfortable enough to return to Generation X.[67]

Jubilation Lee (Earth-616) from Generation X Vol 1 61 cover

Second Gen X Costume

One of the most important details from her time with Generation X was when she discovered the true killer of her parents, Hunter Brawn. She staged a solo operation, using all of her powers, skills, and abilities to track down Brawn. With the help of her friends and teammates, she managed to take him down. Enraged at how he had destroyed her family, her powers flared to a massive level. Instead of killing the man, she took out her aggression and blew up his warehouse, leaving him to be arrested by local authorities.[34]

After Generation X disbanded, Jubilee moved to L.A. with former teammate Skin to pursue an acting career. She was unfortunately cast in stereotypical Asian roles, and after her agent tried to seduce her, she blasted him with a powerful plasma blast.[68]


Around this time she was offered a position on Banshee's militaristic X-Corps team, alongside former teammates Husk and M. The three young women hesitantly joined Banshee in order to keep an eye on him. During her run with the X-Corps, Jubilee held off an uprising in Paris by blinding hostile enemies. Jubilee and Husk, with the help of Stacy X, also managed to take down the Blob and rescue Banshee from Mystique.[69]

Holy War[]

Jubilee returned to L.A. with Skin, but the two of them along with Magma and other mutants were kidnapped and crucified on the front lawn of the X-Mansion by the Church of Humanity. Jubilee and Magma recovered from the attack because of Angel's healing blood, but Skin and the others weren't so fortunate.[70] Jubilee became slightly depressed due to the loss of her friend and reunited with her friend Husk. The two of them, along with Angel, attended Skin's funeral. Since the grave keeper wouldn't allow a mutant to be buried in his cemetery, he had Skin cremated and unemotionally handed Jubilee Skin's ashes. From then on, Jubilee went on a few missions with Nightcrawler and Havok's Uncanny team, but was taken off of the active roster when Cyclops decided Jubilee needed a mental break.[71][19]

Aunt Hope[]

Jubilee was contacted by a long lost relative, her Aunt Hope. Hope decided to adopt Jubilee and take her into her home in Los Angeles, which gave Jubilation a much-needed break from mansion life. Jubilee attended Payton Noble High School and became a peer adviser. She got into a few fights in school, and was reprimanded because of her power display. She also befriended a mutant named Shane Shooter, and helped him take down a gang leader. Unfortunately for Jubilee, her aunt was caught in a crime ring, as she was an assassin.[72]

While Wolverine was visiting Jubilee, the two of them along with her aunt (and her butler Brad) got into a battle with Hope's old boss. Hope was caught in a violent explosion and seemingly died, causing a distraught Jubilee to move back to the mansion with Wolverine.[73]


After the House of M, Jubilee was one of the mutants affected by Scarlet Witch's reality altering wave and lost her powers.[26] When Sally Floyd tried to get in touch with the X-Men regarding the sudden depowering of most of the mutants, Jubilee did what she could to help, but since she was no longer a mutant she could not go back to the Xavier Institute and was instead working as a political activist against Congressman Sykes.[11]

Jubilee relocated to Queens, New York, apparently operating a safe house for depowered mutants. She allowed Wolverine to visit Agent Zero, but the facility soon came under attack by Omega Red. Jubilee was kidnapped by Arkady and seriously injured when Wolverine tried to save her. He had to surrender to S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that were hunting him in order to make sure she got medical treatment.[18]

Jubilee made a full recovery, but, for a while, she thought Wolverine had abandoned her.[17]

New Warriors[]

Jubilee was invited by Night Thrasher to join a new incarnation of the New Warriors, composed mainly of depowered mutants. This new team was equipped with reverse-engineered technology that gave them new powers to fight crime while going against the government's registration act, adopted after the first superhuman civil war. Among her new teammates was her close acquaintance Jono Starsmore,[17] the former mutant Chamber, who had also been depowered after M-Day.[74]

Jubilation Lee (Earth-616) from New Warriors Vol 4 4 002

As Wondra

Jubilee assumed the identity of Wondra and was equipped with a power suit capable of lifting a freight train over her head.[75] She acted as Night Thrasher's second-in-command and was responsible for the team's training sessions. As pointed out by Sofia Mantega, Jubilee had a tougher exterior than years past, likely due to her responsibilities of training the team.[76]

After a few months working hard,[77] Wondra and the New Warriors apprehended numerous villains like the Grey Gargoyle, Anaconda and the Rhino, never missing the chance to publicly slam Tony Stark and the Initiative.[78]

Their perfect strike would however be wrecked after their confrontation with the new Zodiac. During the battle, Longstrike was killed, and Sofia was gravely injured, after a surprise appearance that gave the team a winning chance. In the aftermath of the tragedy, Night Thrasher decided to disband the team, not wanting anyone else to die on his watch. Jubilee, unwilling to lose the new family she had found, visited Sofia at the Hospital and convinced her to come back to HQ with her, where she gave a speech to increase team morale. After hearing her words, they decided to remain as a team, with or without Night Thrasher. However, he too was moved by their dedication and chose to remain with the Warriors and train them even harder.[79]

Jubilation Lee (Earth-616) and Jonothon Starsmore (Earth-616) from New Warriors Vol 4 9 001

With Jono

The following days, Night Thrasher became increasingly absent during key moments in their missions and still refused to reveal his true identity to the team, making Jubilee suspicious of him. However, without the support of her teammates, she had to cease hostilities. This would soon change after their mission to take out the Machinesmith, when Jubilee discovered that they'd been lied about the true reason for their attack. With the support of her team at last, Jubilee tried to confront Thrasher again, but Jono's grave injuries sustained during the battle provided an excuse to delay this further.[80]

After Jono's recovery, the team followed Thrasher during one of his disappearances and found themselves in a confrontation with Counter Force. In the climax of the battle, realizing there was no simpler way to end the conflict, Donyell finally revealed his true identity to both the former and current Warriors.[81]

Jubilation Lee (Earth-616) from New Warriors Vol 4 13 001

Second Suit

When Skybolt and Ripcord (formerly Stacy X) were killed during a confrontation with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Task Force, Donyell revealed he had been working on a time machine to travel back in time and save the New Warriors to prevent the Civil War. Jubilee was once again upset that he was keeping things from them, but when the Task Force surrounded them with no way of escaping, their only chance was to jump in time and hope for the best. The machine didn't work as planned and sent the New Warriors into a dystopian future where Donyell's brother, Dwayne, had returned and taken the Registration Act to the extreme by removing all super-powered beings to the Nth dimension. The New Warriors weren't keen on getting involved, but with the only way back home being the time machine inside the Stark/Taylor Building, they were left with no choice but to break in the building and confront Dwayne. Despite having misgivings about Dwayne's totalitarian rule, Donyell's need to reconnect with his brother led him to betray the New Warriors. However, after Dwayne tortured and killed Tony Stark, Donyell came to his senses, rescuing the others and killing his brother in self-defense. Upon their return to the present, Jubilee realized the New Warriors were too dangerous and they parted ways, still thankful for the time they'd spent together.[82]

Vampire Times[]

After leaving the New Warriors, Jubilee made her way to the West Coast again, more specifically to San Francisco, where the X-Men had settled following the destruction of the Xavier Institute. Jubilee had remained in contact with many of the next generation students, and met with a group of them at Fisherman's Wharf. The younger kids updated Jubilee on the status of the new island of Utopia, which acted as a new home for the remaining mutants on Earth. When asked to return to Utopia with them, however, Jubilee decided against going to an island of mutants when she was no longer one. Instead, she had a letter delivered to Wolverine saying simply "Wish you were here."[83]

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Biting Logan

While Pixie and Jubilee hung out in Union Square, a vampiric suicide bomber exploded nearby, coating the area, and Jubilee, in blood. Later on Utopia, Dr. Nemesis discovered that Jubilee had been infected with vampire blood that would slowly overtake her. Ultimately, a hypnotic suggestion took over her and she fled to her masters. After being bitten by Xarus, son of Dracula, Jubilee became a full-fledged vampire. Wolverine chased after her and Xarus used Jubilee as bait to draw him in. Jubilee turned Wolverine and he led the army of vampires that attacked Utopia. It was revealed that Cyclops had planned for the event and had Nemesis implant nanites in Wolverine's blood. After Dracula killed Xarus and the X-Men defeated the vampire army, Jubilee was released into the X-Men's care and placed into a cell until a cure could be found.[84]

Jubilee, along with Wolverine and Gambit, briefly teamed up with X-23 when Laura was in Paris. Jubilee helped Laura cope with depression, and the two formed a strong friendship.[85]

She was later taken in as a student by a group of vampires called the Forgiven, who had learned to move beyond their need for blood and could move about in the day.[86]

During the first brawl of the Avengers vs. X-Men conflict on the beach of Utopia, Jubilee battled Black Widow.[87]

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Vampire Jubilee with Shogo

Now a young adult, Jubilee discovered a baby boy alone in Budapest. She named him Shogo and brought him back to the Jean Grey School, where she reunited with her X-Men teammates, including principal members Storm, Psylocke, Rachel Summers, Kitty Pryde, and Rogue.[29] Jubilee was field leader when she and X-Men teammates Pixie, Hellion, Mercury, Bling!, Karima, and Cipher fought Sentinels on Santa Catalina Island.[88]

Sometime later, Storm informed her that the adoption papers had gone through, legally making Jubilee the mother of Shogo.[15]

Vampire No More[]

Despite her newfound duties as a mother, Jubilee felt capable of becoming a mentor to the younger generation of students and assured Kitty, who'd become the headmaster at Xavier's, she was excited about the job. Helping with this herculean task was Jono Starsmore, her former teammate at Generation X and the New Warriors.[89]

Jonothon Starsmore (Earth-616), Jubilation Lee (Earth-616) and Shogo Lee (Earth-616) from Generation X Vol 1 87 001

With Shogo and Jono

Jubilee and Jono would be reunited with yet another former teammate when they discovered Monet St. Croix had merged with her brother, Emplate, and was attacking the students at night to absorb their life energy. They manage to drive her away, but decided to implement curfews for the students and start performing surveillance rounds to prevent future attacks.[90][91]

Bonding during their surveillance walks and through misadventures involving Shogo and their students, Jubilee and Jono grew closer and got romantically involved.[13][92][93]

When Monet finally attacked the school again, now during the day, she took away the medallion Jubilee used as protection from sunlight, and then threw her out the window. Witnessing this, Quentin Quire sacrificed the fragment of the Phoenix Force he carried within him to cure her of her vampirism and restore her original powers in the process, thus allowing her to attack Monet and buy her students enough time to come up with a plan to free her from Marius's control.[93]

Age of X-Man[]

In the reality created by Nate Grey and a Life Seed, a world where everyone on Earth was a mutant and relationships were strongly discouraged or illegal, Jubilee was a member of Department X, the police force in charge of investigating and arresting dissident mutants.[94]

Once, Department X was tasked with capturing recurrent love criminals Luke and Nezumi Sen. This would turn out to be anything but a routine arrest, however, when Nezumi revealed to Blob that she was pregnant, an unprecedented case for anyone in the Department. Flummoxed by this revelation, Blob consulted with his teammates for confirmation of the pregnancy. Eventually, the group opted to deliver Luke at Cerebro, but keep Nezumi and decide what to do with her afterward.[94]

Jubilation Lee (Earth-616) from Age of X-Man X-Tremists Vol 1 2 001

Sometime later, Jubilee was horrified to find Nezumi chained up in the Department's basement, an obvious victim to mistreatment at the hand of her teammate Moneta. After making Moneta leave, Jubilee apologized, but Nezumi accused her of being complicit and mindfully ignorant of the torture.[95]

One day, while alone at headquarters, a swarm of rats surrounded Jubilee, called forth by an escaped and pissed off Nezumi. She had given birth alone in the basement and escaped captivity with her newborn baby after she'd summoned thousands of rats to chew her chains. Seeing Nezumi's newborn baby triggered Jubilee's memory of her son, Shogo, so, to Nezumi's surprise, she proceeded to show her how to swaddle the baby and offered to help them escape custody. Upon finding the department's van outside a local beatnik club, Jubilee entered the premises to find Moneta's murdered body, only stopping to check the body for the van's keys before leaving. Knowing it wasn't the real world, Jubilee then robbed three banks and a grocery store for Nezumi's getaway. Fully stocked, Nezumi and her baby departed on the van for parts unknown.[96]


Jubilee later returned to the mainstream reality and was present at the party celebrating the new mutant nation of Krakoa.[97] She was reunited with Shogo,[12] who had been taken care of by Chamber[98] and Karma,[99] and went on to join the new iteration of Excalibur.[100]

Jubilation Lee (Earth-616) from Excalibur Vol 4 1 cover

Excalibur Costume

Some time later, she asked Mondo and her former Generation X teammates to join her on a LARP escape room on her birthday. Mondo and Jono couldn't make it that day, and Monet said she'd join them afterwards for drinks, but Husk, Skin, and Everett were happy to hang out with her. When Skin used his powers to overcome one of the puzzles, the staff of the escape room realized they were mutants and released a Sentinel against them, while sending personnel to attack them. After Skin was injured, the odds weren't looking good for their side, but Monet burst through the roof and destroyed the Sentinel, saving everyone's lives.[101]

She was one of the many mutants that were killed when Orchis and Nimrod crashed the Hellfire Gala.[9] Subsequently, she was one of the few resurrected by Askani in the White Hot Room.[10]


Power Grid[121][122]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Some Training:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/None:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/Single Type: Long Range:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Superhuman:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Enhanced:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Superhuman:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Superhuman (800 lbs-25 ton):Category:Power Grid/Strength/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Normal


Lumikinetic Explosive Light Blasting:[102] Jubilee possesses the mutant ability to generate what she calls "fireworks"[103] (also known as Energy Plasmoids or Lumikinetic Explosive Light Blasts[102]). These are essentially globules of energy that vary in power and intensity. The explosions can result in anything from a multitude of colorful sparkles, capable of temporarily blinding a person, to a fairly powerful detonation capable of smashing tree trunks or metal objects. Jubilee can also absorb the generated fireworks back into her own body without harm.[103]

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Jubilee unleashes a sub-atomic blast

  • Atomic Blast: According to Emma Frost, Jubilee had the potential to detonate matter at a sub-atomic level.[104] Years later, she was able to do so safely while in space on the Collector's Ship. The use of power making her body translucent except for her skeleton, she generated a massive explosion that completely obliterated the vessel and was bright enough to be seen from Earth. Jubilee herself was recovered by Magik, the explosion having blasted away all hair on her body in addition to her clothes.[32]

Psionic Shields: Jubilee's mind possesses a natural defense against telepathic detection or attack. These psionic shields render her mind "slippery" and invisible to telepathic beings unless they know precisely what to mentally scan for.[33]


Jubilee is skilled in gymnastics.[34] She is also a good hand-to-hand combatant, having received training from Wolverine[111] and later with Generation X.[112] She also seems to have the makings of a good leader.[113]


Additional Attributes

  • Jubilee suffers from Dyscalculia; a learning disability that causes severe difficulty in making arithmetical calculations.[115][116]
  • Jubilee is lactose intolerant.[6]




Formerly Anti-Metal Virus Bombs: Energy weapons built up by Beast. They work only at close range.[114]


X-Men Blackbird, Krakoan Gateways; formerly Gateway



  • The introduction to Jubilee #5 tells the story of how Jubilee was involved in a galactic adventure trying to protect her favorite clothing store from being overtaken by space aliens and subsequently ending up married to an alien prisoner named Thorak. Apparently, her memory of the episode was wiped clean and she was returned to Earth. There has been no evidence since, however, that this episode actually happened.
  • Jubilee hated Christmas as it reminded her of her deceased family. However, this changed after she met Santa Claus and helped rescue him.[119]

See Also

Links and References


  1. First name revealed in X-Men Annual #13, surname revealed in X-Men Annual #14
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Uncanny X-Men #244
  3. 3.0 3.1 New Warriors (Vol. 4) #1
  4. Old Man Logan (Vol. 2) #8
  5. Uncanny X-Men #272
  6. 6.0 6.1 X-Terminators (Vol. 2) #1
  7. Marvel Comics #1001
  8. 8.0 8.1 Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #9
  9. 9.0 9.1 X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023 #1
  10. 10.0 10.1 Dead X-Men #1
  11. 11.0 11.1 Generation M #2
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Excalibur (Vol. 4) #1
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Generation X (Vol. 2) #1
  14. 14.0 14.1 X-Men (Vol. 2) #13
  15. 15.0 15.1 X-Men (Vol. 4) #7
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Wolverine and Jubilee #1
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 New Warriors (Vol. 4) #3
  18. 18.0 18.1 Wolverine: Origins #710
  19. 19.0 19.1 Jubilee #1
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Generation X #1
  21. 21.0 21.1 Generation X #24
  22. 22.0 22.1 Wolverine (Vol. 2) #72
  23. Uncanny X-Men #252
  24. 24.0 24.1 Uncanny X-Men #273
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 X-Men (Vol. 2) #4
  26. 26.0 26.1 Decimation: House of M - The Day After
  27. X-Men (Vol. 3) #1
  28. X-Men (Vol. 3) #6
  29. 29.0 29.1 X-Men (Vol. 4) #1
  30. X-Men (Vol. 4) #4
  31. Generation X #86
  32. 32.0 32.1 X-Terminators (Vol. 2) #5
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 33.5 33.6 Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades Handbook #1
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 Generation X Annual #1999
  35. X-Men Annual #13
  36. Uncanny X-Men #248
  37. Uncanny X-Men #251
  38. Uncanny X-Men #251253
  39. Uncanny X-Men #256258
  40. Uncanny X-Men #271272
  41. X-Factor #62
  42. X-Men (Vol. 2) #5
  43. Uncanny X-Men #275
  44. X-Men (Vol. 2) #9
  45. X-Men (Vol. 2) #1011
  46. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #46
  47. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #61
  48. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #6971
  49. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #7274
  50. Uncanny X-Men #294
  51. Uncanny X-Men #295
  52. Uncanny X-Men #297
  53. Uncanny X-Men #302303
  54. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #75
  55. X-Men Unlimited #3
  56. X-Men (Vol. 2) #28
  57. Uncanny X-Men #311
  58. X-Men (Vol. 2) #3637
  59. Uncanny X-Men #316317
  60. Uncanny X-Men #318
  61. Generation X #11
  62. Generation X #21
  63. Generation X #6061
  64. Generation X #14
  65. Generation X #57
  66. Generation X #2531
  67. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #117
  68. X-Men Unlimited #34
  69. Uncanny X-Men #403406
  70. Uncanny X-Men #423
  71. X-Men (Vol. 2) #157
  72. Jubilee #12
  73. Jubilee #6
  74. New Warriors (Vol. 4) #9
  75. 75.0 75.1 New Warriors (Vol. 4) #2
  76. New Warriors (Vol. 4) #34
  77. New Warriors (Vol. 4) #6
  78. New Warriors (Vol. 4) #12
  79. New Warriors (Vol. 4) #46
  80. New Warriors (Vol. 4) #913
  81. New Warriors (Vol. 4) #1415
  82. New Warriors (Vol. 4) #1620
  83. Nation X #2
  84. X-Men (Vol. 3) #16
  85. X-23 (Vol. 3) #12
  86. X-Men (Vol. 3) #27
  87. Avengers vs. X-Men #2
  88. X-Men (Vol. 4) #11
  89. Generation X (Vol. 2) #13
  90. Generation X (Vol. 2) #4
  91. Generation X (Vol. 2) #6
  92. Generation X (Vol. 2) #67
  93. 93.0 93.1 Generation X #8587
  94. 94.0 94.1 Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #1
  95. Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #2
  96. Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #5
  97. House of X #6
  98. Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 5) #14
  99. Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 5) #18
  100. Excalibur (Vol. 4) #4
  101. X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #41
  102. 102.0 102.1 Wolverine Annual (Vol. 4) #1
  103. 103.0 103.1 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men 2005 #1
  104. X-Men (Vol. 2) #36
  105. 105.0 105.1 Wolverine and Jubilee #2
  106. 106.0 106.1 106.2 Wolverine and Jubilee #4
  107. Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #13
  108. 108.0 108.1 108.2 Vampires: The Marvel Undead #1
  109. X-Men (Vol. 4) #1112
  110. X-23 (Vol. 3) #10
  111. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #94
  112. Generation X #43
  113. Generation X #87
  114. 114.0 114.1 Wolverine (Vol. 6) #3
  115. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #62
  116. New X-Men (Vol. 2) #44
  117. X-Men (Vol. 3) #36
  118. X-Men: Battle of the Atom #2
  119. Generation X Holiday Special #1
  120. Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades Handbook #1
  121. Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades Handbook Vol 1 1
  122. Vampires: The Marvel Undead Vol 1 1