Lush Naked shop – Japan

Lush introduced five or six of the exclusive Lush Japan bath bombs at the Lush 2018 Creative Showcase. I’ll list them below and include links to the product article.

I’ll add those store photos and more products here on this page over the next couple of days.

Black Rose






So White

Lucky Cat

Honey I Washed the Kids

Cappa Cucumber

Pirates of the Carageenan



Yuzu & Cocoa


Ginger Ninja


Fluffy Clouds

Bag Flower

Sea Salt and Clay


Tender is the Night

Tumeric Latte

Strawberries and Cream

Seasalt and Clay

Starburst Harajuku



Lush will open its third all naked shop in Japan in mid 2019.

Lush introduced the products that will be made for this store at their annual Creative Showcase.

I was fortunate enough to attend the annual Lush Cosmetics Creative Showcase this year, 2018.

While there i was lucky enough to be able to buy the following exclusive prodicts, and included are a couple of exclusive products which were given to me by the creators at the showcase.

Amongst my favorite products are the six bath bombs that were on display at the showcase. Once a day (the showcase was a two day event) a magical van would open up in an explosion of smoke! And out would pop a group of Lush staff dressed up and leading songs about the bath bomb that would be demonstrated before those of us in the crowded line. Then they would announce that the bombs would be sold to those of us in line, one per person, until they sold out.

I was able to get multiple of each because my husband bought a ticket to the event too and was with me in line. He bought one too and gave his to me. Additionally, we had tickets for both days, so the next day we waited in line again and bought one each again.

Then as we were leaving, i got a call saying the owners of Lush wanted to thank me for what ive done for them throughout the years by giving me a bag with some goodies which included one each of these six exclusive bath bombs.

I couldnt believe it! So this is why i have multiples and have been doing giveaways with them.

So i have taken photos and videos of all of them for you.

Black Rose


Kitsune (Fox spirit)



Goddess (formerly God is a Woman)

Lush also had skincare, hair are, and solid mouthwash, wash cards and toothy tabs. ill post picture i took of these too below