Microsoft Learn Educator Center

Educator Programs

Microsoft Educator badge.

Microsoft Educator

The first step on a journey of digital transformation. If an educator or school leader is new to Microsoft tools in teaching and learning, we have curated a learning path to help get you started. This program is great for:

  • K-12 educators
  • School leaders
  • Higher education faculty

Microsoft Advanced Educator

Once an educator or school leader earns the Educator badge and is ready to go deeper into Microsoft tools in teaching and learning, successful completion of two learning paths unlocks the Advanced Educator badge. (Note: This is an annual badge and with new criteria each year for educators and school leaders to renew their annual Microsoft Advanced Educator badge) This program is great for:

  • K-12 educators
  • School leaders
  • Higher education faculty
Microsoft Advanced Educator badge.
ME Trainer Badge Icon

Microsoft Educator - Trainer

By becoming an ME Trainer, you're joining a community of people who are passionate about supporting other educators in developing how technology is used in the classroom and beyond. The program provides access to instructor-led training materials, connection with trainers around the world through a Linked-In group, and the ability to earn badges to share your accomplishments. This program is great for:

  • K-12 educators
  • Higher education faculty
  • Government or school system trainers
  • Professional development specialists
  • Affiliates who want to train educators and school leaders on the effective use of technology

Microsoft Innovative Educator - Expert

Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Expert program is a premier program created to recognize global educator visionaries. MIE Experts are self-driven, passionate about integrating technology into teaching and learning, inspire students with creative thinking, and work in a truly collaborative spirit to share their learning with their colleagues and the world. In this program, you have access to monthly connection calls with MIE Experts in your own country and the world, direct access to teams at Microsoft to support your work in education, the opportunity to test new tools and products being developed and to provide feedback, the opportunity to speak at online and face-to-face events to share your story, participation in our online event, Education Exchange | E2 and more. This program is great for:

  • K-12 educators
  • School leaders
  • Higher education faculty
  • Professional learning specialists/trainers
  • Curriculum specialists
  • Anyone who impacts teaching and learning in their role
Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert badge.
Microsoft Certification icon.

Microsoft Learn for Educators Program

Microsoft Learn for Educators takes the best of Microsoft Learn online learning paths and helps you to bring instructor-led training materials from Microsoft into your courses. This program provides members with access to Microsoft ready-to-teach curriculum and teaching materials aligned to industry-recognized Microsoft Certifications. These certifications augment a student’s existing degree path and validate the skills needed to be successful across various technical careers. This program is great for:

  • Higher education faculty
  • Academic institution leaders
  • Secondary school educators
  • Educators with valid education email addresses preparing students for Microsoft Certifications

Showcase Schools

Microsoft Showcase Schools is a school transformation program and a global community of pioneer schools around the world. The program is an opportunity to engage with Microsoft and like-minded school leaders around the world to deepen and expand education transformation using Microsoft Education Transformation Framework. Showcase Schools create student-centered, immersive, and inclusive experiences that inspire lifelong learning, stimulating development of essential future-ready skills so students are empowered to achieve more. This program is intended for:

  • K-12 school leaders
  • K-12 leadership teams
Showcase schools badge.
globe with pinpoints

Global Training Partners

Global community of authorized Microsoft Training Partners delivering in-depth learning experiences aligned to the Education Transformation Framework on behalf of Microsoft. Training partners engage with education leaders, faculty, educators, students delivering consulting services, assessment, professional development, training, and enrichment programs to support digital transformation from vision-setting to implementation. This program is intended for:

  • National and district level education leaders
  • K12 leaders and educators
  • Higher Education leaders and faculty
  • Students

Minecraft Education Ambassadors

Minecraft Education Ambassadors are passionate educators who provide peer support and inspiration to a global community of educators using Minecraft for teaching and learning. Ambassadors speak at webinars and conferences, help moderate our community, judge competitions, write lesson plans and blogs, and meet with our product team to help make Minecraft Education the best it can be in the classroom. This program is great for:

  • K-12 educators
  • STEM curriculum specialists
Minecraft Teacher Academy badge.
graphic of cartoon people collaborating with technology

Everyday Real Learning Community (ERL)

To support blended, hybrid, and remote learning in schools, museums, and libraries around the world, Microsoft Education created an open global community for academic institutions to connect with each other and our Microsoft education experts, on best practices, tips & tricks, and personal learnings on how to support instruction and learning in schools. This is a global professional learning network with access to live events, webinar resources, shared resources, and 1:1 channel discussions with committed customer success teams, other Microsoft Innovative Educators, and product teams. This program is great for:

  • K-12 educators
  • School leaders
  • IT Admins in K-12

Educator Insiders Program (EIP)

The Education Insiders Program (EIP) is a vibrant community of technology leaders and evangelists working in education. It's open by invitation to interested IT pros in K-12 schools and higher education institutions, EIP members must have an active Office 365 Education tenant and sign a non-disclosure agreement. This program is great for:

  • IT Admins in K-12 or higher education
  • Technology specialists
graphic of cartoon people collaborating with technology
graphic of cartoon people collaborating with technology

Microsoft EDU Technology Adoption Program (TAP)

The Microsoft EDU Technology Adoption Program is designed to validate prerelease features in Microsoft products with education institutions. Members of this program are part of a community that provides regular, structured feedback on new and exciting changes in Microsoft services directly to Microsoft product managers before they're released to the general public. Membership is strictly limited and by invitation only. The requirements for participation are:

  1. Ensure your organization has an active non-disclosure agreement with Microsoft
  2. Make time for weekly calls with Microsoft product managers and program organizers
  3. Provide feedback as requested
  4. Monitor the community Team for updates and peer support

Technology Education and Learning Support (TEALS)

TEALS is a Microsoft Philanthropies program that builds sustainable computer science programs in high schools. TEALS focuses on serving students excluded from learning CS because of race, gender, or geography. TEALS helps educators learn to teach CS by pairing them with industry volunteers and proven curricula. This program is great for:

  • Secondary education educators
  • School leaders
  • Technical volunteers
Microsoft TEALS logo