Vegetable Gardening for Beginners by Jill McSheehy

Dig into vegetable gardening―a beginner’s guide to growing-it-yourself

Growing your own vegetables is a rewarding venture that’s both affordable and appetizing, but the beginning gardener may find it difficult to weed through an overwhelming landscape of resources. Whether you’re new to gardening or interested in saving costs, Vegetable Gardening for Beginners offers easy-to-follow steps for starting and sustaining your very own vegetable garden.

Learn the basics of starting your dream garden, including tips on choosing between in-ground or raised bed gardens and creating a full-season garden plan. Discover how to make your own soil mix, transplant seedlings, and maintain and harvest a thriving vegetable garden for seasons to come.

Vegetable Gardening for Beginners includes:

  • Beet-by-beet gardening―Get the lowdown on planning, prepping, and planting―including building and filling garden beds, watering, mulching, and more.
  • Garden variety―Choose the right seeds with 30 in-depth profiles on popular vegetables and key decisions, like choosing companion plants.
  • Weed out problems―Troubleshoot plant problems, including bitter carrots, blight, and even pests like the squash vine borer.

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Vegetable Gardening for Beginners is a truly EPIC resource for a new veggie gardener. Jill and I have a lot in common as gardeners, and I couldn’t recommend her work more to someone who’s trying to get their first garden in the ground.” ―Kevin Espiritu, founder of Epic Gardening

“A must have! Whether you have a green thumb or have never planted a seed, this book will educate and delight, ultimately guiding you to success. It’s incredibly detailed―covering every aspect of gardening―but also very easy to understand. In today’s world of food uncertainty, food deserts, and the drive for healthy and sustainable food, this book is a must for anyone looking to dig into the wonderful world of gardening!” ―Nicole Gennetta, Heritage Acres Market ( and Backyard Bounty Podcast

Vegetable Gardening for Beginners is the fast track to garden success. Encouraging, clear, and simple steps will give you the tools and the confidence you need as a new gardener. Jill’s skill in teaching beginners is so good you won’t be a beginner for long!” ―Becky Porter of

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