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High fives all around! In the last month, this community submitted 185 new ideas, started 412 discussions and posted 1483 replies.

Community activity

Thunderbird calendar search has to be prodded into working

When using the search for Thunderbird's calendar, 90% of time it doesn't find anything at first.  If I start playing around with settings, switching between 'all events' and 'current month', moving the months back and forward, etc. it will eventually...

s_okuda by Making moves
  • 0 replies
  • 0 kudos

New Right-Click Menu

I came up with this strange new right-click menu interface a few days ago:So I decided to draw it in PowerPoint and introduce it to you. The advantages of this interface are as follows: customizable options.with the same number of options, the area b...

Eeeee by Making moves
  • 1 replies
  • 1 kudos

Hide logo and counter in Firefox Focus

Please add options to hide the logo and "trackers blocked" counter on new tabs. I would enjoy having a completely blank and "focused" tab each time. Thank you.

FieryFox1 by Strollin' around
  • 1 replies
  • 1 kudos

Open Links from Thunderbird into "incognito-browser" window

Would be nice to have a "context" entry in the mouse-menu. If you mouse-over the link, do right mouse-click and choose "open in incognito / private Browser window" it should open the default-browser in private mode.That would be awesome.

rethus by Making moves
  • 1 replies
  • 1 kudos

Hide cursor on PIP fullscreen

PIP in Firefox is awesome. One reason why I switched to Firefox. I also like to double click on it for fullscreen. In this mode, the UI disapears in a few seconds. Great. But could we also hide the cursor with the UI? Just like the native fullscreen ...

domske by New member
  • 7 replies
  • 4 kudos

Downloading 210gb file failed

Hi Guys,I am trying to download the file [210gb] from dropbox acc. Now I tried couple of time and it starts download and while the file was at 20gb the download stops[failed]. Last night it went on downloading 75gb and then stops and its shows "faile...

Native Tab Grouping / More Customizable Tab bar

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox. I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more ac...

Vinci480 by Strollin' around
  • 675 replies
  • 3449 kudos

Use emojis instead of the folder icon in the bookmarks toolbar

I use my bookmarks toolbar as a quick access for a lot of my links - on the left, i have the websites i browse every day, and then i have a bunch of folders in which i have all the other websites, organized by category (news, social networks, etc.).W...

Emojis as Folder icons.png
RShep33 by Strollin' around
  • 21 replies
  • 143 kudos
Let's get started

Oh hey, it's great seeing you here! We're excited to connect, collaborate, and create great products...together. To help you settle in nicely and get started on your community journey, we've put together a few links.

  • Community Vision
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    If you're looking for help with technical or performance-related issues, please visit Mozilla Support. That is the best channel for troubleshooting such issues as well as asking any how-to questions for all Mozilla products.
    Mozilla Connect is now two years old! Thank you all for continuing to share feedback and ideas, participate in meaningful discussions, and work together to help improve our products. We have some exciting plans for this year, including more opportunities to connect (see what we did there?) and collaborate.
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