All About Container Gardening

container in the shadeContainer gardens are an excellent way to grow plants in limited spaces and to add variety and interest to the landscape.  There are a number of reasons for growing annuals and vegetables in containers.  Container gardens are an excellent way to grow vegetables when suitable garden sites are unavailable.  Container gardening allows individuals to beautify patios, porches, balconies, the front steps, and other areas around the home.  Mixes of annuals plants planted in the same container can create colorful accents.  Container gardens also provide individuals with physical limitations an opportunity to grow flowers and vegetables. 
Container gardening is relatively easy.  The basic requirements are suitable containers and a high quality potting mix.  A wide range of plants from annuals to vegetables and others can be grown - the only requirement is that they all have to have the same growing requirements in terms of light (full sun vs. shade) and soil moisture (wet, well-drained, dry).  

Iowa State University has many resources available to help with container gardening.

Growing Annuals in ContainersCare of Plants Growing in ContainersCreating and Growing Hanging Baskets


Making Mixed Containers VideoHow to Force Bulbs Indoors
Container Vegetable GardeningGrowing Tomatoes in ContainersGrowing Herbs in ContainersHow to Grow Strawberries in Containers
How to Select Quality Plant ContainersHow to Clean and Disinfect Plant Containers
Containers for HouseplantsContainers for Starting Seeds
Last reviewed:
June 2024