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Person drinking smoothie in kitchen, with blender on counter
June 26, 2024/Oral Health

What To Eat After Oral Surgery

Soft foods like mashed potatoes, applesauce and, yes, ice cream won’t disturb your incision

Person in kitchen drinking glass of water

What It Means When You Have an MS Flare-Up

Some ‘flare-ups’ are temporary and expected, others can signal a need to change therapies

Two people using sign language to talk to each other
June 24, 2024/Ear, Nose & Throat

Tips for Better Communication With a Person Who Has Hearing Loss

Reduce background noise, don’t talk too fast or too slow and above all, ask what’s most helpful to them

Person preparing healthy fish platter with veggies in kitchen

Following a Healthy Diet When You Have HER2-Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer

Eating well can help support your immune system and maintain strength


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Person in kitchen holding their throat wondering what's causing it to feel like something's stuck
June 24, 2024/Ear, Nose & Throat

Feel Like Something’s Stuck in Your Throat? This Could Be Why

From food impaction to acid reflux, when you feel like something is in your throat, it’s important to seek medical treatment

Silhouette of person, with brain as four puzzle pieces

The Mandela Effect: How False Memories Trick Your Brain Into Believing

Our collective misremembering of events comes from a surplus of false memories

Hands of healthcare provider checking bangages on knee after surgery
June 21, 2024/Infectious Disease

Signs of an Infection After Surgery

Keep the area clean and monitor your incision site for discharge, odor or a change in appearance

Healthcare provider apply bandaid on patient's arm after a shot

What You Need To Know About MS and Vaccines

Most routine vaccines are safe for people living with multiple sclerosis — but be sure to talk with your care team about your needs

Silohuette of person, with light aimed at their eye and brain
June 20, 2024/Mental Health

Feeling Stuck? Brainspotting May Help

This alternative brain-body therapy focuses on unlocking pent-up feelings, memories and tension that may be stuck in your brain and body

Tube of ivermectin paste lying on straw
June 20, 2024/Infectious Disease

Why You Shouldn’t Take Ivermectin for COVID-19

The medication is ineffective and — in the case of animal ivermectin — potentially dangerous

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