Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

"Harry had just finished telling Ron what had happened when he'd left the grounds with Professor McGonagall. Ron had a piece of steak and kidney pie halfway to his mouth, but he'd forgotten all about it."
— Description[src]

Steak and kidney pie is a British dish with a filling of diced beef and kidneys in a thick sauce.


Steak and kidney pie was served at dinnertime at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on 12 September 1991[1] and in September 1995.[2] Steak and kidney was sold as a meal specialty at the Leaky Cauldron. It was listed on a wall menu.[3]

Also in 1997, Kreacher promised to make Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger one when they got back from the Ministry. However, unfortunately, the trio were unable to return.


Notes and references[]

Meals served in the Great Hall
Christmas feast at Hogwarts
Start-of-Term Feast · Hallowe'en feast · Christmas feast · Welcoming Feast · End-of-Term Feast
Breakfast Bacon · Cornflakes · Eggs · Egg on toast · Fried egg · Hard-boiled egg · Kipper · Orange juice · Porridge · Sausage · Toast
Main course Arbroath smokies · Bacon and steak · Black pudding · Bouillabaisse · Bread · Breadsticks · Casserole · Chicken leg · Chicken noodle soup · Cornish pasty · Lamb chop · Pork chops · Roast chicken · Roast beef · Sandwich · Sausage · Shepherd's pie · Steak · Steak and kidney pie · Steak and kidney pudding · Stew · Tripe · Yorkshire pudding
Sauces and spreads Butter · Jam · Ketchup · Gravy
Vegetables and side dishes Baked pumpkin · Boiled potato · Carrots · Chips · Corn · Cucumber · Fried tomato · Mashed potato · Onion · Peas · Sprouts
Desserts, fruits, and drinks Apple · Apple pie · Blancmange · Chocolate eclair · Chocolate gateau · Custard tart · Grapes · Ice cream · Doughnut · Jelly · Marshmallows and crumpets · Mint humbug · Pumpkin juice · Pumpkin tart · Rice pudding · Spotted dick · Strawberries · Swiss rolls · Treacle tart · Trifle
Christmas specialties
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