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Harry Potter Wiki

The Infant Demonic was a circus performer in the 1920s.


They were part of the Circus Arcanus, a travelling freak show, which billed them as the "greatest freak of nature ever placed on exhibition." Based on a depiction of them on a poster, they were a congenitally deformed person with a devil-like tail and horns, and claw-like hands and feet.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

  • The Infant Demonic's hands and feet resemble a condition known as Ectrodactyly where the fingers and toes are fused into claw-like extremities. The best known person with this condition was circus performer and convicted murderer Grady Stiles aka "The Lobster Boy".
  • Considering the magical nature of the Circus Arcanus, its possible that this individual was a magical beast or being, possibly a kind of Demon, given its name. However, circus performers and promoters are known to exaggerate and give performers enticing names that many not be accurate.
  • Alternately they may have gained these features due to a curse or magical mishap, or even deliberately to enhance their strangeness for show purposes. However they may not have had these features at all, with the nature of circus promotion.


Notes and references[]
